Page 356 - 3. 2014 1st half New 26-05-21 No Table
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Facsimile 0845 425 2850
               Email: Trevor.allaway@cl‐uk.coM
               From: JOSEPHINE WARD
               Sent: 09 April 2014 19:04
               To: Allaway, Trevor
               Subject: March 2013 invoices
               Dear Mr Allaway
               I refer to my previous emails. I am attaching copies of two invoices received from the CPS in
               relation to the case against our client. You kindly provided me with a copy of your insurance
               file pursuant to a section 35 application and in that disclosure, there were no invoices dated
               01st March 2013
               March 2013.
               Can you please confirm by return email whether you were provided with a copy of the
               invoices in?
               and if so on what date. Please also confirm whether you were provided with alternative
               quotations from any other companies in relation to the damage in
               February 2013
               March 2013
               If you were not, then please confirming this also. If no invoices were provided last year can
               you, please confirm whether you know of any connection between your client and the
               Building Company Patel Construction. The invoices refer to optional extras amounting to
               £4500 plus VAT but no invoice has been provided to confirm that this work was ever carried
               out which begs the question as to whether the premises were ever actually secured and
               whether the damage was ever remedied as claimed. We are very concerned as to how did the
               damage jumped from £600 with an optional extra to £4,500 plus VAT and finally to a claim
               in the region of £40,000 from an estimate sent to the insurance company in
               September 2013
               Mr Rakesh Patel in his statement dated
               10th March 2014
               (telephone statement) refers to his Manager reporting the second break into police but not
               having a crime reference number. We will be asking for a statement from the manager to be
               obtained via the police as this would undoubtedly list the damage caused etc We would be
               grateful if the above could be confirmed. Our client is facing a charge of burglary based on
               damage caused. The case is listed in the warned list for trial in
               June 2014
               We thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter.
               Yours sincerely
               Josephine Ward
               MICHAEL CARROLL & CO
               Confidentiality: This email
               and its attachments are solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). If they have come to
               you in error, you must take no action based on them nor must you copy or communicate them
               to anyone. Please notify us immediately and delete this communication.
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