Page 237 - 4. 2014 2nd half New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 237
come onto the site to see what was going on as for all I
knew he could be damaging it or stealing from it.
Eventually after promising I would not remove anyone
squatting and only myself and Pc Ames would come in,
Mr Cordell agreed that we could come in. Near to the gate
was a silver Ford Focus index MA57LDY which I knew
was Mr Cordell’s. The boot was open, and I noticed it
contained three large thin industrial gas bottles. From
experience I knew this was likely to contain nitrous oxide
which is currently used on the rave scene as a
Signature: Signature Witnesses by: ...
Continuation of Statement of
Tick if witness evidence is visually recorded (supply
witness details on rear)
legal high. As we passed the car Mr Cordell quickly
lowered the boot. I queried Mr Cordell about the gas and
pointed out that it was on the news earlier how Nitrous
oxide was dangerous and Mr Cordell stated that the
Government would probably ban it soon like everything
else. Mr Cordell was polite and showed us around the site
which appeared to be a large concreted area that was
completely open to the air, there was a large sound
system to the rear which was amplified though 1 could
not see any power source. There was a number of people
wearing yellow hi-vis jackets who Mr Cordell stated were
first aiders and there was a pallet of water near to the
sound system as well as a couple of tents closer to the
gates. I could see no obvious Toilet facilities nor shelter
from what had been forecast as a stormy night. Inside the
venue mostly just stood around in small groups were
about 30 people, mostly teenagers. Mr Cordell stated he
was an entrepreneur and was awaiting licences from the
council so that he would soon be legitimate. When 1