Page 282 - 4. 2014 2nd half New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 282
my Nan health got worse, and she notably was having problems breathing. My mum called
the family, so I attended with other close members of the family. In the early hours of the
I got left alone while the rest of the family had gone to get well needed rest; I took a seat
beside the bed that she was getting taken care in. At the time I can remember myself; feeling
her fall to sleep and deciding that it would be best for us all, who knew her; for me to keep on
tingling her arm, as it seemed to make her smile while she kept drifting away, so that she
never went into a deep coma. I felt this working as I looked at the clock up on the wall in the
hospital room that she got placed in being at the time of 1:00 hours. The time ticked on till I
last remember seeing the clock handles strike 5:47 and then I recollect a woman's voice who
was a nurse or doctor, saying to me Simon, Simon, Simon. While still sitting in the chair with
my hand on my Nan’s hand, I jumped up without taking a stand and went to analyse what had
changed in the room, I look at the nurse or doctor woman then the clock in a quick swift
glaze and straight at my Nan. The women had let her voice pronounces the out aloud from
her mouth to me at the same time as my brain told me that it was 06:02 hour and I realised
that I had dropped off to sleep for 14 minutes. She said that Simon your Nan has passed
away. Fuller of upset I held back the tears as I did not want to believe her at first, but I
understood that what she had said, must be correct.
Stacie a family
Friend passed away!
Si Note:
I find it sensational that no person has rehabilitated the disrepair issues in my abode when and
after notified!
Time Spent Building.
In the background of everything going on I continued working on creating a new up to date
Temporary Food Stall and policies inclusive of other possible outlets databases for the Too
Smooth Entertainment company and I continued to Study and finish at the Time Start:
07:00Am and Time End: 03:30 Pm!
My mother also continues to work on building my company website for me with others at the
Time Start: 09:00 and Time End: 14:00!
Working at Home doing Court Case Defence Work!
I spent time and resources costing expenditure with my mother also building my defence
case, against the building my company website for me with others at the Time Start: 09:00
and Time End: 14:00!
Woolwich Crown Court case: (Aka Gazebo) is over!
Building the catalogue with Josh!
Issues with Housing Disrepair!