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PC G Thanks very much for your help
               22.11.2013 Emails:
      at 17.14 hrs - no reply
      - forwarded email of 22.11.2013. This email was sent on
               24.11.2013 at 13.33 hrs
               Email read on 24.11.2013 by read the email on 24.11.2013 at
               17.02 hrs
               Emailed broker on 25.11.2013 at 10.06 hrs email - all
               emails sent to compound forwarded.
               Spoke to PS complaint made on CAD6768/14NOV/13 Cost of recovering the van £190
               Ref: 474782
               Details of search of van: KGM recording. (FROM RECORDING
               26_11_2013_11_53_Kelly Tiller Kelly call to compound
               Thank you for calling KGM  introduction hold whilst we connect you to our underwriters
               Charlton Car pound: Good afternoon James speaking
               James KMG: Hello James is Kelly there please. Who’s calling please?
               Charlton Car pound - Car pound Metropolitan police service
               James KMG: Yeah one second please. Okay I will just put you through
               Kelly Tiller - Hello Kelly speaking
               Gareth: Hello Kelly my name is Gareth, Manager of Charlton Car Pound Metropolitan
               Police Service I’m dealing with a Mr Simon Paul Cordell something about the tools in the
               back of his vehicle Kelly: Correct yeah
               Gareth: All I can do is I’ve looked at the seizure notice which would be given to Paul at the
               time and any property left was blank so if there was any tools in the back normally that would
               be registered as tools in the rear of the vehicle
               Kelly: Right okay because we had a call from the police
               Gareth: Yeah
               Kelly: He advised that there were tools in the vehicle
               Gareth: Do you want to speak to him a moment
               Kelly: Who Sorry
               Gareth: Paul because I have got him in front of me
               Kelly: Yeah that’s fine
               SC Hello
               Kelly: Hello
               SC: You alright Kelly
               Kelly: Okay what have they given you there
               SC: They have not given me anything, but he did explain to you on the phone that threes’ no
               tools on the vehicle on their CADs and in any case, they would write that down tools in the
               vehicle and so forth
               Kelly: Right okay and has he gives you a printout of this.
               SC: No you will have to ask him yourself
               Kelly: Right can you pass me back to him
               Gareth: Hello Kelly
               Kelly: Hello, right okay so if there was any kind of tools in the vehicle it would be stated on
               Gareth: Well yeah what happens on the roadside a police officer will issue a seizure notice
               and he will say do you want to take any property out of the vehicle, normally they take
               satnavs, wallets, money whatever
               Kelly: He could have taken the tools out of the vehicle
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