Page 134 - 2015 2nd Half No Table
P. 134
Case Handler: Miss Sally Gilchrist Legal Executive Director Met Police and
she was Present!
Court House: Highbury Corner Magistrates
Reason: Mention Hearing
Case Number: 1402490741
Judges Name: Defendant Judge Pigot
Contra’s Name: Robert Talalay
My Barrister Mr. Andrew Locke
Note 1: (Full Hearing)
Note 2:
The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 02
From Andy Barrister
/ Page Numbers: 2079,
To: Lorraine Cordell
Subject: From Andy
Date: 03 August 2015 20:50:08
Attachments: IMG 41751.png
See attached.
The banging Started!
Debbie Andrews (responsible)
Stain Curtis (responsible)
Mathiyalagan (Responsible)
In the Morning: --
Mid-Day: --
And in the Evening and of the Night!
The tenants of 117 and 113 and 111 Continued to victimizing me by: --
After the normal daily routine now of the already named attacking me in my bathroom after
waking me up happened today!
Loud and aggressive banging in the bathroom got worse and this got achieved by slamming
objects on to the floor with evil intent of criminal actions in the morning then all day and
night 117 Burncroft Avenue and 113 keep on continually, repeating to flushing the toilet
when I use it!
Then 111 – 113 -117 kept slamming the dihydrogen monoxide tap on and off causing damage
to my health and the buildings fixtures at an unacceptable rate then after and while they kept
117 Slamming the main, communal ingress door closed!
113 and 117 Slamming their own living room, door closed!
113 and 117 Slamming their own bedroom, door closed!
Si Note: