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30.1 have enquired with the Mental Health Team whether the Defendant
                 is currently known to the team and was informed that he is no longer
                 under their care.
                 2.     The Claimant’s operatives have had difficulties in accessing the
                 Defendant's flat to inspect the state of the property and the unauthorised
                 works and modifications which the Defendant is purported to have carried
                 out without a written consent from the Claimant. The Claimant has also
                 been unable to check whether the Defendant Is restricting water
                 supply/pressure to the properties above his since December 2016. The
                 Defendant has admitted to restricting the water supply but has refused to
                 allow the Claimant’s maintenance operatives access to his property to
                 investigate and rectify the problem.
                 3.     The Defendant has intimidated the residents in the entire block
                 and because of his behaviour, we have received numerous complaints
                 from residents, requests to be transferred from the block and we have had
                 to move a vulnerable tenant from the block.
                 4.     I have made attempts to engage with the Defendant, but he has not
                 been cooperative and has continuously displayed abusive and threatening
                 behaviour towards the Claimant’s members of staff and his neighbours. A
                 Notice of Seeking Possession has been served on him and possession
                 action is being considered. However, in the meantime, this injunction is
                 required to ensure that the other residents are not subjected to further
                 intimidation and harassment by the Defendant. This application is being
                 made without notice because if the Defendant were given notice, he
                 would intimidate the witnesses in an attempt to prevent the order being

               LEMMYS Index I received on the 25/06/2018
               Claim form, application for an injunction and statements / New 2 Injunction / Indexed
               / Page Numbers:
               7th October 2016
               5th October 2016

                                    CLAIM NUMBER: D02EDO73

                              IN THE EDMONTON COUNTY COURT

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