Page 164 - 2015 2nd Half No Table
P. 164
To explain that I get left Embarrassed because of the Metropolitan constabulary police forces
personal and the Enfield council’s personal clear, lack of mandating there stationary duties
towards my life is correct and to continue to explain that this happens because of their
personals own reckless actions of wrong self-gains doings, is also true and therefore correct
and to further them true correct facts them involved official persons aloud their hatred
towards my life to expand and get manipulated into the public domain with the extra use of
my personal data that they gained from their companies positions that they work for and still
do represent and in highlighting the behaviour of the staff involved, once them personal got
caught by myself and others of their wrong doings by getting reported by me to the relevant
complaints department, they continued to cover up their own wrong doings, such an example
of the expansion of the official personals hatred that I do mention about that continues to
occur to me within the public domain I continue to report but with no correct follow up
because of the mentioned the joint circular enterprise between client and companies, for an
instance the civilian people that the official persons let assault me with battery are their client
and I have Highlighted their names and wrong doings of criminal intent within the context of
this official report where manipulated of the truth by the officials but once I put them in
receipt of the true facts the involved people’s attitudes never changed for the better in fact of
the truth they also tried to cover up their wrong doings of torture towards me and I will not
allow my correct official and factual information off true evidence to get covered up any
longer, so to leave me suffering with no justice being granted for the rights that I show and
this is no understatement and to arise by broaden the issues even more means overseeing the
true facts that have persisted to get imposed upon my life due to the officials neglect in
pursuit of the truth:
After the mundane daily routine now of the already designated assailing me in my bathroom
after waking me up transpired today!
Loud and truculent banging in the bathroom got worse and this got achieved by slamming
objects on to the floor with evil intent of malefactor actions in the morning then all day and
night 117 Burncroft Avenue and 113 keep on continually, reiterating to flushing the toilet
when I utilize it!
Then 111 – 113 -117 kept slamming the dihydrogen monoxide tap on and off causing damage
to my health and the buildings fixtures at an unacceptable rate then after and while they kept
117 Slamming the main, communal ingress door closed!
117 and 113 Slamming their own living room, door closed!
117 and 113 Slamming their own bedroom, door closed!
Si Note:
My Heart has really started to hurt me every day, I am having an early aged mild heart
attacks because of what the Mathiyalagan family stain and Debra with the police and local
council members are getting away with each day holding me hostage with no first hand
witness and the estate members flushing the toilet attacking me when I am in the bathtub and
getting undressed all so playing with the water taps and banging above my head damaging
my work studies and private family life and making me a Vulnerable person!
I have also had a lot of problems with eating because of what they keep all doing to me!
My dog has eating its paws because of what 113 – 117 and 111 are getting away with I have
taken pictures of the damage this is doing to us in this flat!