Page 179 - 2015 2nd Half No Table
P. 179
The Asbo’s wrong Verdict
Got advertised in the News Papers While I awaited my appeal!
The newspapers.
Mutable Newspaper Articles where published with wrongful claims that I got given an Asbo
under the applicant's case, stating Man given ASBO for organising illegal raves (From
Enfield Independent.) Do you hate things in life?
In any similar way, to what I do?
When people do not say sorry?
In return for this happening to me, I ended up feeling like a leprechaun which had got robbed
and was therefore without his pot of gold. While looking into the court case paperwork, when
at my home address one day, trying to study, so that I could defend myself, I remember a
different occasion, when I was looking at the local newspaper, while trying to get my head
around all the banging that I got induced towards from members of my neighbours. When
reading the paper, I noticed a copy of an article that got contained in my local Newspaper.
What I read was about my person and was unjustified to get printed as a true and fair
description of the truth events. In fact, it got worse than unjustified as it was incorrect
information that slandered my character. The published articles in the newspapers that had
gotten copied from the metropolitan police website and were in regards to the Anti-Social
Behaviour Order application that the police had been pursuing in court against me, they
stated that I got given an Anti-Social Behaviour Order for organizing illegal raves. The case
against me for the Anti-Social Behaviour Order regarding “the organization of illegal raves”
never got proven, correctly, and this is because the judge could not find any illegal accept,
that I the defendant was guilty of, as the application claimed to be for, but somehow, some
way even low wrong in law the district judge sitting the court found me guilty of acting in an
antisocial way. In the newspapers it stated the following also: — “Cordell is well-known for
organizing illegal raves in Enfield and across London.” I have never got arrested for anything
that nature mentioned, so find this to be untrue and in other words, this would be a lie
inclusive as since I had never arrested, I got so upset that my address got put into the
metropolitan police website as I had requested and received a copy of the court transcripts of
the day of the trail which prove that I am right, so had set the wheels’ in motion for the
appeal proceedings. This led to the real problems I had to get worse and get out of control; I
understood that members of my neighbours and members of the police made me suffer
towards. My life got turned upside down as a figure of speech, by my name getting darkened
and put into all the local newspapers stating that I had got found guilty for illegal raves when
the judge clearly stated that no illegality got proved. A full assault took place against me by
members of my neighbours and I was looking for a solution to the problems. The stress that
has accumulated because of the problems in this document that I highlighted in any readers'
vision are Unfair to have taken place against me and the problems being of such a high level
of importance is of even further relevance to how this case should not have got dealt with.
The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue:
572. GL-HCORNERMCENQ_RE_ Simon Cordell_ (4)
/ Page Numbers: 2085,