Page 191 - 2015 2nd Half No Table
P. 191

I hope you are doing well I did call last week as I knew Simon insurance is due for renewal
               and asked for his no claims to be sent to this email which we have not got could you please
               send it over ASAP please.

               The banging Started!
               Flat – 113 – George Quinton moved in!
               Stain Curtis (responsible)
               Mathiyalagan (Responsible)
               In the Morning: --
               Mid-Day: --
               And in the Evening and of the Night!
               The tenants of 113 - 117 and 111 Continue to victimize me by-: --
               Victimizing me by Banging above the Barth to which I get into, once they understand that I
               have stopped running the water for my bath to be ready, this is after they wait for any other
               tail, tail signs that I have gotten undressed and soaked within the water, creating a brutal
               attack against my person in their wrongful self-gains!
               And follow me to the toilet when I am being sick and start banging above my head
               I cannot study when they are attacking me!
               The occupiers of 117 the Mathiyalagan family and also Stain Curtis off 111 Burncroft
               Avenue continue to Slamming the water tap on and off, and now with George Quinton also
               involved I continue to document their Hate Crime towards me and report it to the relevant
               persons without any fair process of support and this is causing damage to my health and the
               buildings fixtures at an unacceptable rate!
               At the night time Stain banged on the kitchen wall for hours again at me!

               Si Note:



               My Heart has really started to hurt me every day, I am having an early aged mild heart
               attacks because of what Debra Andrews and the Mathiyalagan Markandu family as well as
               stain Curtis and George Quinton get and got away with, inclusively of what the police and
               local council members are getting away with each day by holding me hostage with no first
               hand witness and then on allowing my estate members to carry out their hate crime in a cover
               up to send me crazy or to an early death by flushing the toilet below me and bagging at me
               causing me sufferings and no peace also letting the named attack me when I am in the
               bathtub and getting undressed and this does not stop their I continue to get assaulted with the
               water taps getting slammed on and off  causing a loud bagging sound at a fast rate and
               slamming object and or jumping on the floorboards above my head damaging my work
               studies and private family life and making me a Vulnerable  person!
               I have also had a lot of problems with eating because of what they keep all doing to me!
               My dog has eating its paws because of what 113 – 117 and 111 are getting away with I have
               taken pictures of the damage this is doing to us in this flat!
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