Page 96 - 6. 2016 Diary 1st half New 26-05-21 No Table
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Also given the current hours that currently allocated to Deborah if this is suitable in this
                 situation for her need? If I recall this was expressed at a SOVA meeting that this should be
                 extended as her needs are becoming greater?
                 With regard to the Safeguarding plan I do feel that a mental health strategy meeting needs
                 to take place as issues beyond our control will also have a direct impact on the wellbeing of
                 Deborah. I am raising this directly with George Benyure Bolas manger.
                 Louise Brown
                 Anti-Social Behaviour officer
                 Community Safety Unit
                 Regeneration & Environment Department
                 London Borough of Enfield
                 /v 020 8379 4467
                 From: Sarah Stump
                 Sent: 27 January 2016 11:44
                 To: Louise Brown
                 Cc: Sarah Stumpo
                 Kate Kelly
                 Yvonne Stacey.
                 bola quadri
                 Subject: Debra Andrews Importance: High Sensitivity: Confidential This message has been
                 sent on behalf of Yvonne Stacey.
                 Hi Louise
                 I am extremely concerned about Debbie Andrewes neighbour and the increased risk to the
                 support workers and indeed Debbie, who, as you are aware is unable to leave her own
                 home unescorted.
                 Yesterday it was reported to me that the neighbour approached Barbara de Polla as she
                 entered the communal door, he was very aggressive and began shouting at her saying, you
                 should not be coming here, she is an alcoholic, you shouldn't take her out anywhere etc."
                 Barbara said that she did not want to talk about it and walked away from him, luckily, he
                 did not follow her.
                 In relation to Debbie is safety, I strongly feel that it is only a matter of time before
                 something serious or even fatal happens to her. As you are aware, the neighbour has a dog,
                 which appears to be a Staffordshire bull terrier which
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                 he allows to roam free in the communal area which is highly intimidating and potentially
                 very dangerous.
                 Please can you clarify the interim safeguarding protection plan and timescale as to when
                 Debbie will be moved to a place of safety.
                 I have completed an internal incident form and unfortunately, if another incident occurs, I
                 will have no other option but to temporarily withdraw our service, which will put Debbie in
                 a situation where she is even more at risk.
                 I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
                 NB: Please can you forward this message to your line manager.
                 Sarah Stumpo Service Manager Mental Health Team
                 Saint John of God Hospitaler Services 176 Durant's Road Enfield EN37DF
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