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A vast number of CADS that are contained within the respondent bundle
                 representing an Asbo application are printed in Pc Steve Elsmore name and as
                 the leading investigator he would know the truth to what has been concealed and
                 how he complied such intelligence to present any case files.
                 Contained within them cads printed out by Pc Steve Elsmore is a huge majority
                 of the locations that are retracted in other words (blocked out so no person can
                 see the true locations) This leads to concerns regarding important and relevant
                 aspects of disclosure so for the applicant to be represented at appeal with a fair
                 In fact, crown road is 2 miles away, so quite a far distance from progress way.
                 Also from research that was gained, from newspaper articles and freedom of
                 information requests made to the local council, that where put in pursuit of a
                 search for the truth, about the true on goings for the dates that the applicant
                 stands wrongfully accused of by way of incidents that are compiled in the
                 respondents bundle and that surely do relate to Crown Road and not progress
                 way, determines the right truth by explaining that there was a completely
                 different incidents reported by CFS callers to a house / ware house party or
                 maybe even a rave that took place and police attendance was requested by them
                 members of the public. The freedom of information request applied to and in
                 receipt from the local council, inclusive of additional evidence such as the local
                 newspaper report/ articles have since been adduced into the applicant’s defence
                 bundle and served on the prosecution.
                 to the on goings another house party a five-minute drive from progress way and
                 if not for the grid numbers being not blocked out inclusive of other landmarks
                 such as A&J cars based in Enfield, I would not have been able to prove my
                 innocents in the on-going application leading to an un fair trial.
                 CAD number 2410 date 08th June 2014 Page number 288 states different CFS
                 callers reporting incidents with the attached land mark of a well-known building
                 next doors to the initial reason for the emergency CFS call, that land mark
                 produces a running company what is named A& J cars Crown Road, Enfield
                 what is a taxi services and is next doors to the crown road party. “The applicants
                 would not have been able to prove his innocence in this case, cad if it was not for
                 A & J cars being left in the context of the emergency 999 / 101 call, CAD, as for
                 sure the developers of the Antisocial Behaviour Order (ASBO) application, when
                 using such information
                 retracted the true location, giving the intelligence in the cad a fake pretence to be
                 progress way, this is the same for many of the other Cads retracted and contained
                 within the ASBO application.
                 Termination and a Stay of Proceedings: -
                 The applicant requests termination of proceedings or a stay of proceedings to be
                 ruled by the court in the ongoing civil proceeding, with immediate effect and in
                 turn terminating or halting further legal process in the Antisocial Behaviour
                 Order (ASBO) appeal. I again ask for the court to subsequently terminate the
                 case or apply a stay and resume proceedings based on events taking place after
                 the stay is ordered.
                 The Harassment Act 1997: -
                 The Protection from Harassment Act 1997
                 The Act was originally introduced to deal with stalking. However, since 1997 it
                 also covers the aspects of conduct, including:
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