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stating; significant effort was made by the Respondent and by the court to ensure
                 that any legitimate business activities that the Appellant wished to undertake
                 would in no way be inhibited by this order. For the Appellant to provide recorded
                 music to a gathering of people he would either need to have a licence for that
                 event or to provide the music on a licensed premise for fewer than 500 people
                 with a general licence to play recorded music (sec s.1 and Sch. l of the Licensing
                 Act 2003). This order specifically does not preclude him from providing
                 regulated entertainment under the auspices of a valid licence.”
                 This is a breach of the applicant’s human right as he should not need a licence to
                 play music in private air unless he is charging money with a view of making a
                 profit. Corruption is an enormous obstacle to the realization of all human rights
                 — civil, political, economic, social and cultural, as well as the right to
                 development. The core human rights principles of transparency, accountability,
                 non-discrimination and meaningful participation, when upheld and implemented,
                 are the most effective means to fight corruption. In 2013, the Human Rights
                 Council requested its expert Advisory Committee to submit a research-based
                 report to the Council at its twenty-sixth session in June 2014 on the issue of the
                 negative impact of corruption on the enjoyment of human rights, and to make
                 recommendations on how the Council and its subsidiary bodies should consider
                 this issue (resolution 23/9). The Advisory Committee submitted its final report on
                 the issue of the negative impact of corruption on the enjoyment of human rights
                 in 2015 (A/HRC/28/73).
                 The applicant has designed a business plan, this creates community events
                 leading to an international festival and that sets out clearly the plans for events
                 including marketing, safety, stalls etc and also specifically refers to co-operating
                 with the police. The ASBO prevents such applications from being successful.

                 The applicant will state that he was never involved in the organisation of any
                 illegal raves as sighted in the respondents bundle and as defined under section 63
                 of the CJPOA 1994.
                 The applicant will state “that he was not rude to police but does feel like he
                 cannot even go out for the day, with some of his friends, without getting stopped
                 and searched by members of the police.
                 Kind Regards:
                 Dated:  14/10/2016

               Si Note:

               My Heart has really started to hurt me every day, I am having an early aged mild heart
               attacks because of what Debra Andrews and the Mathiyalagan Markandu family as well as
               stain Curtis and George Quinton get and got away with, inclusively of what the police and
               local council members are getting away with each day by holding me hostage with no first
               hand witness and then on allowing my estate members to carry out their hate crime in a cover
               up to send me crazy or to an early death by flushing the toilet below me and bagging at me
               causing me sufferings and no peace also letting the named attack me when I am in the
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