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Mr and Mrs Mathiyalagan attended the Civic Centre to
                 report that Mr Cordell has started to regularly harass them
                 again. They complained that Mr Cordell now comes to bang
                 on their front door and shout and scream abuse and threats
                 every other day. He stated that the latest incident happened
                 at 12pm on NN.
                 12/05/2017 when Simon came and started banging on his
                 door aggressively while his wife was. at home with his
                 daughter and cousin and was telling his wife to open the
                 door. He stated that Simon knew that he was at work and
                 that his wife was probably alone at home with his daughter.
                 Mr Mathiyalagan stated that he is scared for his and his
                 family's safety and wants something done urgently to keep
                 them safe from Mr Cordell. They pleaded with me to speak
                 to Waltham Forest to find alternative accommodation for
                 them as it is no longer safeguard them to continue living in
                 Burncroft Avenue. I took the contact details of the property
                 manager at Waltham Forest and called and left a massage for
                 him to call me back. The details are Mr Osmani, tel.
                 020849S5503 and his manager is Taylor tel. 02084965496
                 also 02084965502/5506.
                 Mr Mathiyalagan telephoned to report that he was at work
                 01/06/2017 when his wife called him complain that Mr
                 Simon Cordell and two other males came and banged on his
                 front door for about 1 or 2 minutes. He stated that his wife
                 and daughter were alone in the flat at the time and that they
                 were very frightened as a result of the loud banging on his
                 front door. I advised him to call the police if Simon bangs on
                 his door again.
                 Mr Mathiyalagan telephoned to report an incident that
                 happened late night on Friday
                 9/06/2017 between Mr Cordell and his cousin. Mr
                 Mathiyalagan stated that his cousin returned from work late
                 at night and as he opened the front door Mr Cordell came
                 out of his fiat and confronted him.
                 He stated that as his cousin brought out his phone to record
                 the incident, Mr Cordell, snatched from phone from him. A
                 struggle ensued as his cousin tried to get his phone back
                 from Mr Cordell from Mr Cordell and Mr Cordell attacked
                 his cousin, grabbed him round the neck and also injured him
                 on the arm causing his arm to bleed. He stated that his
                 cousin managed to get his phone back from Mr Cordell and
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