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neighbours and the police and housing ganging up against him. He denied drug use. He said
               that does not have a mental disorder. The
               Barnet, Enfield and Haringey
               Mental Health NHS Trust
               doctors who assessed Mr Cordell found him "hypomanic, with flight of speech, grandiose and
               thought disordered”
               Forensic history
               Nil known.
               Risk History
               According to the Risk Assessment on RIO notes Mr Cordell had expressed suicidal thoughts
               in the past. This was related to stress from court cases. The date is not stated in the Risk
               Assessment. Around that time, he said that he had researched ways of harming himself
               (poisoning, OD, hanging). He had said in the past that he tried to hang himself aged 16 when
               he was in a young offender’s institute. He had said that he needed resuscitation. He tried to
               hang himself a second time after he was sentenced by a judge aged 20. He had said that he
               drank Nitrous Oxide in 2014 with intent to die.
               According to his Risk Assessment he was regularly a victim or witness of his father’s violent
               There are recent reports from the Council regarding alleged aggressive behaviours towards
               other residents. In June 2018 he was apparently involved in court case with the neighbours
               who he apparently threatened to harm.
               Social circumstances
               Personal History
               Mr Cordell is single. He has a partner. He has no children. He was born in Enfield and did his
               schooling in Edmonton. Left school aged 16. He studied and worked in mechanics and road
               works, electrical and computers after he left school (mother’s report)
               Mr Cordell lives in a 1 bedroom flat on the ground floor. The flat has necessary
               amenities/facilities to allow independent living.
               He is not currently in employment Finances
               He claims ESA and needs to make an application for PIP
               Barnet, Enfield and Haringey
               Mental Health NH$ Trust
               Views of family
               I telephoned Ms Cordell on the 7th November 2018. Ms Cordell told me that neighbours have
               been "terrorising” his son since 2014 in particular a neighbour on the 2nd floor. Ms Cordell
               told me that whilst her son is in hospital her nephew has been staying in the flat to look after
               the dog. The nephew has reported that the occupier on the 2nd floor have been "banging” on
               the floor. She said that the neighbour then realised that her son is not in the flat when they
               saw the nephew coming out of Mr Cordell’s flat. She told me that since the 26th October the
               "banging” has stopped. She said that she has complained about the neighbour herself but
               thinks these situations are misinterpreted by the council and the mental health services and
               her son is then seen as the perpetrator and or being mentally unwell. Ms Cordell stated that
               the sound proofing is lacking, and the noise is real. Other neighbours have made allegations
               that Mr Cordell has been aggressive towards them. She said that there is no evidence of this;
               police have seen CCTV and found that her son had not left the flat at the time when these
               incidents were alleged to have happen. Ms Cordell gave another example in 2016 where it
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