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P. 226

                 04/10/2016: Mr Quinton stated that on 4/10/16, he was sleeping when SC started to bang
                 on his ceiling, but he ignored him. SC then came up and started kicking at his door and he
                 still ignored him. SC then went downstairs, dragged Mr Quinton's motorbike from where
                 he parked it, threw it on the ground and started to hit it with what he believed to be a mop
                 pole, he is not sure how many times he hit it. He then called the police and they came and
                 took him away, CAD No. 3309/4 Oct. 2016.
                 11/12/2016: On 11/12/16, SC came up to his flat 3 times to shout abuse and complain
                 about noise from his flat.
                 Mr Quinton explained that the first time, he was running a bath when SC came and
                 knocked on the door to complain about knocking pipes. He did not open the door and he
                 shouted abuse at him and his friends and called them homophobic names. He later came
                 back again to bang on his door and shout further abuse. He also made threatened him and
                 his exact words are 'I'm off curfew in 12 days, when I'm, I am coming for you', he shouted
                 further abuse and walked off. Mr Quinton stated that he is not sure why he came back the
                 second time, but he assumed that it was because of the pipes again. He later came back
                 again the third time and this time he opened the door because he has had enough. SC
                 complained about noise from his flat and he told him that he was not making any noise. SC
                 then went on to tell him that he has been away for a long time and that his family was
                 coming to look after his dog. He asked SC if he knew anything about his bike and SC
                 replied 'You know what, I'm a grown man I'm not gonna lie, it was me that smashed your
                 bike and I was gutted that the stick broke and I couldn't smash it up more'. He then asked
                 SC about his tyres which was punctured with a knife and he denied cutting them. He then
                 explained to SC that the knocking pipes has nothing to do with him and that he does not
                 bang or make deliberate noise and he advised SC to play his music over the noise if it
                 happens again as there is nothing he can do about the pipes and the noise as it is the nature
                 of the building. SC said cool, fair enough and walked off and as he walked off, he turned
                 around and gave him a dirty look.
                 About a week later, 2 of his friends left his flat and a short while later he heard SC running
                 out of the front door. Soon after one of his friends called and told him that they have just
                 had a confrontation with SC in the street. His friend informed him that SC ran up to them
                 in the street and confronted his friend Jazz about the knocking pipe noises from his flat.
                 Jazz told SC that it has nothing to do with him. SC then head-butted Jazz and as Jazz fell
                 on the floor, SC jumped on top of him and started to punch him. His other friend Jevon
                 who was with Jazz at the time pulled SC off Jazz and held him until 2 Turkish men came
                 and separated them.
                 Mr Quinton stated that the police did not contact him to update him on what action was
                 taken against SC regarding his smashed bike. He stated that he has recording of SC
                 admitting to smashing up his bike and played the recording to me. Although it was very
                 faint but you could make out what sounded like SC talking about smashing the bike. He
                 stated that he wants to sue SC for criminal damage, he also wants to take out a restraining
                 order against him and possibly an injunction.
                 He stated that his friends Simon Cocks (07393285528), Julian Jackson (07387277163) and
                 Jazz Bramble (07375651241) are willing to provide witness statements and will attend
                 court to give evidence on his behalf. He also wants us to find out why what action the
                 police took regarding his smashed bike.
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