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“Not Relevant to Day!”

                                      Simon Cordell’s
                        The 1st Injunction Order Dated: 00/00/2014

                 “Not Relevant to Day!”

               Update complaint
               B: From 117 tenants made to the Council about Complainant / Me / Made up Threats and
               Intermediation Tel/Updated Complaint!
               26/10/2016:  Update Complainant / Follow on action from Contact Complainant!
               The Enfield Councils History FOI Indexed
               Markandu Mathiyalakan
               Enfield Council History
               Page Number: 40,41,42,
               A.  06/08/2016
               B.  05/10/2016
               C.  24/01/2017

                 The Enfield Councils History
                 FOI Indexed

                 06/08/2016: Threats and intimidation (General)
                 05/10/2016: Threats and intimidation (General) Home visit to Ms Deborah Andrews flat.
                 Attendees Dawn Allen TMO and CPN Bola Quadri Home visit to Ms Andrews advised
                 that her neighbour at number 109 has for the past few months harassed, intimidated,
                 stalked her and made a life a complete misery. He continuously plays loud music, bangs on
                 her ceiling and door alleging that she is monitoring his movements in his flat. She feels
                 petrified by his presence and as a result refused to leave her flat for fear bumping into him
                 on her way out. She has
                 Page 2 of 3
                 missed a few appointments with her social worker as a result, she has now been subjected
                 to making home appointments pending the time this matter is resolved. She explained that
                 they use to be acquaintances before the relationship went sour. She believes the
                 Notes about this person     whole problem started when he claimed the decoration in his
                 flat was damaged as a result of a leak coming from her flat. She confirmed that she had a
                 leak from her overflow a few months ago which has since been repaired but, the damage
                 alleged had occurred.
                 24/01/2017: On the 24/01/2017 My mother had requested my personal Data held about
                 myself on the Enfield Councils computer system and so on to delivered to ourselves and
                 this is the date that the information got taken out of there computer systems.
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