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26h January 2016
               4th August 2015
                4th October 2016
               14th August 2016

                 The Enfield Councils History
                 FOI Indexed

                 concerns a breach of tenancy conditions and will be addressed separately from this
                 3. Allegations of Anti-Social Behaviour
                 You referred to alleged issues that your son was having with his neighbours; however, you'
                 did not specify which neighbours and or provide a specific time frame when these
                 complaints were made. We have checked our records since 4h August 2015 and found two
                 records of telephone complaints received from your son. One on 20h August 2015 and
                 again on 26h January 2016 which related to noise and the issues he was having with a
                 neighbour. These concerns were dealt with at the time by relevant officers.
                 We note your comment that your son has been a tenant for many years and that there have
                 been no complaints about him until the publication of the ASBO against him on 4th
                 August 2015. However, our records show that since your son’s tenancy began on 14th
                 August 2006, there has been at least one previous complaint against your son from another
                 neighbour prior to the ASBO.
                 We are aware of the alleged incident that happened on 4th October 2016 as this was
                 reported to us and this will be addressed separately as part of ongoing Anti-Social
                 Behaviour investigations.
                 We note your comments regarding the police and must advise that you take up any issues
                 with the Independent Police Complaints Commission. We also note your comment
                 regarding an alleged incident on 14th August 2016. This was not reported to the Council
                 and should be a matter for the police. We note your comment that your son is scared to go
                 home due to the alleged issues with his neighbours.
                 Regarding the allegations of ASB against your son and the issues regarding his dog, we
                 note your comment that you do not think it is justified to attend the meeting with Lemmy
                 Nwabuisi prior to your formal complaint being addressed. We note your comment that you
                 have been advised by a solicitor to wait for the SAR. We also note your comments

               29th November 2016
               21 November 2016
               November 2016

                 The Enfield Councils History
                 FOI Indexed

                 in relation to the letter sent by Lemmy Nwabuisi on 29th November 2016 regarding
                 reports of anti-social behaviour made against your son by his neighbours and that you will
                 address these once the SAR is received. Please note that these allegations are serious
                 breaches of tenancy conditions and will be addressed separately as part of an ongoing
                 investigation. We have attempted to meet with your son to discuss the allegations made
                 against him and give him the opportunity to respond. It is important that these issues are
                 addressed and another meeting will be arranged to facilitate this in due course.
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