Page 212 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table- 2nd Half
P. 212
Eavesdropping, / Heedfully aurally perceiving were I am in my abode and then chasing me
around into each room as listed, while banging on the floor with objects!
Victimizing me with intent of utilizing the same reiterated items of the building fixtures to
have tortures effects on me within my rented habitation is inequitable living circumstances!
The occupiers of 117 the Mathiyalagan family and withal Stain Curtis off 111 Burncroft
Avenue and perpetuate to Slamming the dihydrogen Monoxide tap on and off, and now with
George Quinton also involved I continue to document their Hate Crime towards me and
report it to the relevant persons without any fair process of support and this is causing
damage to my health and the buildings fixtures at an unacceptable rate!
117 - 113 and 111 Slamming the main, communal ingress door closed!
117 - Slamming their own living room, door closed!
117 - Slamming their own bedroom, door closed!
My Heart has really started to hurt me every day, I am having an early aged mild heart
attacks because of what Debra Andrews and the Mathiyalagan Markandu family as well as
stain Curtis and George Quinton get and got away with, inclusively of what the police and
local council members are getting away with each day by holding me hostage with no first
hand witness and then on allowing my estate members to carry out their hate crime in a cover
up to send me crazy or to an early death by flushing the toilet below me and bagging at me
causing me sufferings and no peace also letting the named attack me when I am in the
bathtub and getting undressed and this does not stop their I continue to get assaulted with the
water taps getting slammed on and off causing a loud bagging sound at a fast rate and
slamming object and or jumping on the floorboards above my head damaging my work
studies and private family life and making me a Vulnerable person!
I have also had a lot of problems with eating because of what they keep all doing to me!
My canine has victualing its paws because of what 113 – 117 and 111 are getting away with I
have taken pictures of the damage this is doing to us in this flat!
If what they do to me finally kills me then it would also kill a lot of other people in the
If I had known at the property was in such a state of disrepair, I would have never moved my
personal belongings and memorabilia into it as it has now been damaged at no fault of my
own and if it had been for the repairs getting fixed in a timely manner less would have been
Time Spent Building.
In the background of everything going I continued working on Developing the events Litter
Control plan and policy and I also worked on Developing the events On Site Waste
Disposal/Control plan and policy and I continued to Study and finish at the Time Start:
07:00Am and Time End: 03:30 Pm!
My mother also continues to work on building my company website for me with others at the
Time Start: 09:00 and Time End: 14:00!
Working at Home doing Court Case Defense Work!
I spent time and resources costing expenditure with my no there also building my defence
case, against the allegations getting put against me at the Time Start: 12:00 Am and Time
End: 06:00 Am!