Page 47 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table- 2nd Half
P. 47

I will be uplifted once the problems are rectified with in my flat by the Enfield Council repair
               team a burden will be lifted up on my shoulders as I will be able to be self-sufficient and not
               a Reliant upon other people to live within a dignified standard of home!

               Time Spent Building.
               In the background of everything going I continued working the Creating the new and up to
               date events Overall Medical Prearranged Plan and policies and I continued to Study and
               finish at the Time Start: 00:00 and Time End: 00:00!
               My mother also continues to work on building my company website for me with others at the
               Time Start: 00:00 and Time End: 00:00!

               Working at Home doing Court Case Defense Work!
               I spent time and resources costing expenditure with my no there also building my defence
               case, against the allegations getting put against me at the Time Start: 00:00 and Time End:


                                          Stain and the Mathiyalagan and Co!
                                  Issues with My Neighbours and Housing Disrepair!
                                          Working on the Court Case Defence!
                 The Anti-Social Behaviour Order Case and the Verdict got made Guilty against me in
                             error and the conditions got imposed against me till late 2020!
                                               The Banging Continued: -
                                           Building the catalogue for printers
                              George Quinton Moved Out and Ambrose Tariq Moved in!

               •  Disrepair!
               •  The Asbo Order got granted in Error with Full Conditions against me and Fraudulently!
               •  The banging Continued at me!

               •  George Quinton
                   got involved in assaulting me with his friends!

               •  1 x Email
                   Transcribe building defense papers!

               •  1 x Letter hand delivered /
                   I got a letter of Lemmy Nwabuisi ASB Coordinator through my letter box he lied in his
                   paperwork and started that I chased him down the street while swearing at him. The letter
                   requested that I attended at a meeting at the offices to discuss the allegations and this
                   would be the Enfield civic Centre and more!

               •  The 1st Injunction Order / Lemmy / pub Book Issue: 1!
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