Page 165 - 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table All
P. 165
has all there. Personal details. A report of the incident is at
page 40 of the case history.
20. Case. history notes exhibited at pages· 41-46 how reports
of similar aggressive and intimidating behaviour displayed
to Mr. Mathiyalagan was being experienced by another
tenant who wishes to remain anonymous because of fear of
reprisal from the Defendant.
21. Similarly, further case notes· exhibited at pages. 47-52
show that another tenant who wishes to remain anonymous
was being subjected to ·the Defendant’s anti-social
behaviour. She had to be moved from the block because of
the harassment from· the Defendant - and because she
suffered from mental health problems and was particularly
vulnerable and unable to deal with the threats and
harassment from the Defendant.
Simon Cordell’s
The 1st Injunction Order Dated: 00/00/2014
“Not Relevant!”
Simon Cordell’s
The 1st Injunction Order Dated: 00/00/2014
“Not Relevant!”
Simon Cordell’s
The 1st Injunction Order Dated: 00/00/2014
“Not Relevant!”
Simon Cordell’s
The 1st Injunction Order Dated: 00/00/2014
“Not Relevant!”
LEMMYS Index I received on the 25/06/2018
Claim form, application for an injunction and statements / New 2 Injunction / Indexed