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Good Afternoon Lorraine,
               I hope this email finds you well. Further to our meeting last month I have written to PC G to
               give him the opportunity to participate in the reinvestigation, I await his reply. When and if
               he replies I shall of course let you know.  Regarding a CPS referral, having reviewed the
               evidence I am currently of the view that such a referral should be left to the determination of
               our Appropriate Authority (A.A. ‐ senior officer who reviews my report) upon the conclusion
               of the investigation. As it stands, I see nothing to prohibit such a referral, should the A.A.
               think it appropriate.
               As you know, should the A.A. elect not to refer the matter to the CPS, you would of course
               have a right of appeal to the IPCC along those lines.
               If you have any questions for me please do let me know.
               Kind regards
               Jamie Newman | Serious Misconduct Investigation Unit (SMIU) | Directorate of Professional
               Standards |
               Met Phone 786675
               Telephone 0207 161 6675
               Address Empress State Building, 22nd Floor, Lillie Road, London, SW6 1TR
               'Setting the bar and upholding standards without fear or favour’
               From: Newman Jamie M ‐ HQ Directorate of Professional Standards
               Sent: 30 June 2017 17:23
               To: 'Lorraine Cordell' <>
               Subject: Our meeting today.
               Good Afternoon Lorraine,
               Thank you for taking the team to meet with this afternoon, I found our meeting very useful in
               enabling me to better understand your complaint. To confirm, the first thing I shall consider
               is a referral to the CPS. I shall begin by examining what consideration was given to such a
               referral by the previous investigator, Jeannette Riley. Under the legislation that governs
               police complaints it is possible to seek guidance from the CPS where there is an indication
               that a criminal offence may have been committed, it is this test that I shall apply. Leaving the
               CPS issue aside for a moment and the possibility of criminal charges, I acknowledge your
               request to have sight of the PC Geoghegan’s MG11 and notebook. Such a disclosure can be
               made under Schedule 3 of the Police Reform Act 2002. I shall revisit this request once the
               possibility of a CPS referral has been addressed. However, I fully intend to comply with such
               a request, subject to necessary redactions. Going forward, in addition your original points of
               complaint I shall also attempt to provide a clear explanation for the issues surrounding the
               misconduct meeting occurring before you had the opportunity to appeal to the IPCC. As I
               stated to you earlier today, the MPS can only apologise for this oversight. Additionally, as
               agreed, if you could send me Dean’s details, or forward mine to him, that would be very
               much appreciated. Of course, I’ll keep you updated every step of the away. If you’ve any
               questions in the meantime please do get in touch.
               Kind regards
               Jamie Newman | Serious Misconduct Investigation Unit (SMIU) | Directorate of Professional
               Standards |
               Met Phone 786675
               Telephone 0207 161 6675
               Address Empress State Building, 22nd Floor, Lillie Road, London, SW6 1TR
               'Setting the bar and upholding standards without fear or favour’
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