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                             DIRECTIONS ORDER

                 General Form of Judgment or Order
                 la the County Court at Edmonton
                 Claim    D02ED073
                 Date     9 November 2017
                 BOROUGH OF          1st Claimant
                 ENFIELD             Ref LS/C/LI/157255
                 MR SIMON            1st Defendant
                 CORDELL             Ref
                 Before District Judge Cohen sitting at the County
                 Court at Edmonton, 59 Fore Street, London, N18
                 2TN Of the Court's own initiative and upon the
                 claimant having failed to file a directions
                 IT IS ORDERED THAT
                    1.  The Claimant do file a completed
                    directions questionnaire by 4.00 pm on 17
                    November 2017.
                    2.  If the Claimant fails to comply with
                    paragraph 1 of this order the injunction of 9th
                    August 2017 do stand discharged without
                    further order and the claim do stand struck out
                    without further order.
                    3.  Permission to either party to apply to set
                    aside, vary or stay this order by an application
                    on notice which must be filed at this Court not
                    more than 3 days after service of this order.
                 Dated: 6 November 2017
                 The court office fit the County Court at
                 Edmonton, S9 Fore Street, London, N18 2TN.
                 When corresponding with the court, please
                 address forms or letters to the Court Manger end
                 quote the claim number.
                 Tel: 020 8884 5500.

               LEMMYS Index I received on the 25/06/2018
               31- Claim Number: D02ED073: EXHIBITS LI 2 / Landing Page / witness statement of
               Ludmilla lyavoo dated 03/01/2018
               Page Numbers: 31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40
   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159