Page 55 - 9. 1st half 2018 New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 55

front door, opened the
                           letterbox and peeped
                           through it to see who was
                           inside the flat. The
                           Defendant then started
                           swearing and shouting
                           abuse and banging on their
                           front door as soon as he
                           saw the neighbour’s wife.

                           33.      On 2nd January
                           2018 at 6.30pm, it is
                           alleged that the Defendant
                           stood outside his
                           neighbour’s property for
                           more than twenty minutes
                           swearing and shouting
                           abuse. The Defendant
                           went away and returned
                           half an hour later, lifted
                           their letterbox, stuck his
                           mobile phone through the
                           letterbox and started to
                           record his neighbour’s
                           family while swearing and
                           shouting abuse. This went
                           on for about fifteen

                           34.       On 9th January
                           2018 at about 12.18pm,
                           the Defendant telephoned
                           Lemmy Nwabuisi (ASB
                           Behaviour  officer) and
                           accused him of forging
                           documents to get an anti-
                           social Behaviour  order
                           against him. The
                           Defendant further told him
                           that he had made him a
                           prisoner within his home.
                           The Defendant stated that
                           he knows where he lives
                           in Enfield and that he and
                           his family were not safe
                           from him. The Defendant
                           told Lemmy Nwabuisi that
                           he would watch him leave
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