Page 96 - 10. 2nd half 2018 New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 96

Mental state:
               Simon was casually dressed, his hygiene appeared fair. He maintained good eye contact and
               rapport. His speech appeared slightly pressured difficult to interrupt but not irritable when
               Grandiose ideas around his intelligence, says he is a millionaire property from wealthy
               relatives who have deceased, successful businesses, earning hundreds and thousands of
               Paranoid about his neighbours, believes they and others have spread information that he
               may have had herpes. Paranoid delusions believe his neighbours are deliberately following
               him from room to room banging on his ceiling. Believes they want to kill him. Though he did
               not express any thoughts of wanting to harm anyone. Believes he is being paid to look after
               vulnerable people in poor situations.
               Appears to be a mood element to his condition pressured speech grandiose, tangential
               jumping from topic to topic. However, reported that at times his mood can be depressed
               and upset by his neighbours. On one occasion he drank some liquid in an attempt to poison
               himself, found by mother and taken to A&E discharged. Denied having any current suicidal
               ideation or thought to harm himself.
               There was no evidence of any hallucinations. Personality appears to be intact.
               Simon appears to lack insight, asked if he believes he has a mental health condition denied
               this said he has never taken medication as he does not believe he has any mental health
               problem to require medication.
               37-year-old male appears to have had a difficult childhood spoke about scars on his legs
               from beatings form his father. Wants to protect children, and vulnerable people believes it
               is his duty. 2015 diagnosed with psychotic illness and referred to EIS does not appear to
               have engaged with treatment offered, previously prescribed Olanzapine. Does not appear to
               require crisis team or mental health act assessment at this time. But would benefit from
               assertive follow up in the community. EIS state that has gone beyond EIS three-year
               treatment period.
               Plan therefore to refer to North Locality Team Locality Team. E-mail sent.
               EIS agree to liaise and advise court regarding the request for a report.
               Closed to EIS.

               The Doctor’s Folder / pub Book Issue: 5!
               Stage 5
               Folder 5
               Originator Details: 19 Jun 2018
               Last Amended by Details: 19 Jun 2018
               Angela Hague Nursing
               Page Numbers: 5 + 6
               Originator Details: 19 Jun 2018 14:33
               Angela Hague Nursing
               Originally Entered by Details: 19 Jun 2018 14:33
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