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The court hearing is for the 08/03/2019 at 10:00 hours. I have tried to attach the most up to
               date information as there is a long history to this with Enfield Council and my son. I have
               ordered my son's bank statements but am waiting for them to come in the post so have
               included the other documents asked for in the email, and if a date can be set for him to see
               someone maybe by the time we see someone we will have the bank statement, but my son has
               had legal aid in the below cases, Please see attached documents.
               I am writing this to give you some form of information relating to this case as it has in some
               ways been ongoing for some time.
               Enfield Council has had 2 other court cases regarding these matters which were for injunction
               orders please see below information they were for the same cases as in this new Possession
               E00ED049: Edmonton Country Court
               •  Interim Injunction order started by Enfield Council on the 09  January 2018 at Edmonton
                   Country Court, to replace the one that was struck out by the court on the 06/11/2017 as
                   the Judge would not put it back in place.
               •  This case went on until the 09/08/2018, please see attached court order which was made,
                   which Enfield Council was meant to have moved my son, which has never happened I
                   have been trying to get this done since this date and Enfield Council have not done
               D02ED073: Edmonton Country Court
               •  Interim Injunction order started by Enfield Council on the 9th August 2017 at Edmonton
                   Country Court.
               •  This case ended up being struck out on the 06/11/2017, the reason for this was due to
                   Enfield Council not doing what the court asked them to do.
               Even through there is a court order in place for Enfield Council to move my son, Enfield
               Council has done nothing only kept my son in a flat that is causing his health to be impacted
               and lied to multiple bodies regarding the order that was made on the 09/08/2018. The judge
               warned Enfield Council regarding a Possession Order on my son on the 09/08/2018, there is a
               lot of paperwork regarding all of this which will need to be gone over.
               There are so many Emails and Documents regarding everything that has gone on it will be
               too much to send via email. So I have only put a few of the last emails and Letters including
               the new order, the other information will need to be done at a meeting as there is just so much
               Lorraine Cordell
               From: Liselle Archer [mailto:
               Sent: 07 February 2019 15:51
               Subject: Legal Aid Agency Requirements
               Dear Madam
               Following our telephone conversation today, please see below the requirements for the
               application for public funding (Legal Aid).
               Please bring the following documents in order for us to open a case:
               •  Most recent award letter confirming that your son receives ESA
               •  Bank statements of all adults over the age 18 living in the household.
               (Please note that the bank statements must be:
               Covering the last 3 months with no gaps, this includes 07 February 2019 -07 November
                For all bank statements including savings accounts and dormant accounts)
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