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P. 82
have first-hand evidence in a court. 15 police officers
went to court all the highest-ranking officers and I was
requesting MG6e I was requesting MG2 under the
Crown Prosecution for I asking for witnesses to turn up.
No witnesses turned up to court. I've got the transcripts
here. Every police officer was hearsay not none of them
first-hand evidence. The legal executive when she was
index in the folder, she's done all the witness
statements, which are the victim. She said signed by PC
McMillen, resident statement, one resident statement
two signed by PC McMillen, resident statement three,
signed by PC max millennium.
Speaker 3: 02:05 So, she knew when she was indexing and that there was
no, no victims statements and Now, I can't even go to
wear House nightclub tonight. I'm on the curfew until
2020 the 11th yeah. And, and I've got all the court
paperwork and that here and all the court numbers that
say it's against the law for this to happen. When I've
called your call centre and explained this to you in
previous occasions, you've telling me down the phone
that I have been robbed now. I've had to put all that up
on the crime up on, up on the website and everything.
Yeah. I'll keep putting it down because I won't use it to
lose your jobs, but I want you to act efficiently and get
this thing off me. That shouldn't be on me. Yeah. They
fraudulently put it on, it says that white people commit
the crime. I'm not the right colour.
Speaker 3: 02:43 I want to go out. I'm not being allowed to go out
forever. You've labelled me like I've got a disease when
there's nothing wrong with me and spread that out in
public I mean every time I walk down the High Street,
I've got people spitting at me and everything thinking
that I've been danger at some woman that I was with for
eight months and I've never ever done nothing bad to
her. Me and now argued, I'm going to go and pick
Shannon up in a minute. I'm going to drag her by her
hair and I'm going to put her online and we're going, I
will get her to tell all of you lot as well when everyone
on the line, I never gave her a no disease and I never
done nothing to nobody. Yeah, so if you don't want me
to go down to Shannon and Heidi's house, right? Yeah.
You know that's what's going to end up happening.
Speaker 2: 03:19 Okay. Well I have let local officers know in regard to
your call.
Speaker 3: 03:21 Yeah, use told me that you're going to get an officer to
call me yesterday in regards to the website. Got 20
million emails here now and I'm going to start blasting
this website out to everybody. Yeah. Show you how
corrupt that office is on your call centres and the rest of
it I'll be, I had or I had in 2014 in the recordings I had