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P. 146
From: Lorraine Cordell <>
Sent: 26 March 2014 17:54
To: ''
Subject: RE: Simon Cordell Logbook
Hi Martin
Is it all possible to get an update I am losing money due to not having insurance and not being able to drive. You said you would get
back to me today and I have not heard anything.
From: Lorraine Cordell []
Sent: 25 March 2014 11:40
To: 'Martin Jenkin'
Subject: RE: Simon Cordell Logbook
Dear Martin
Here is the logbook for CX52JRZ please see attached. I did call DVLA after I got the letter from them which
showed the spelling of the last name wrong as it was spelled Cardell and not Cordell, they told me I had to wait
until the logbook come in the post and then to fill in section 6 to get it corrected. Which I will be doing.
Also i have also noticed today when the logbook came in the post and i am not sure why they have put the new
keepers date as 15/02/2014 as the green slip section 10 was sent to them, so the date of the 10/11/2013 was on
it so I will be writing a letter to ask why this was done, Along with the section 6 to correct the last name.
Could you please update us as to when this can be sorted with KGM as to the claim that is against Simon so he
can sort his insurance out.
Also about the claim for 09 Dec 2013 we still have not heard from KGM as to when someone will be sent out to
take a report from Simon could this be looked into?
And also I know there was some confusion as to the number that was called to report this on the 09 Dec 2013,
please see the below information from my phone bill
Mon 09 Dec 13:28 SPEC SERV 08444126412 22:00
The call was made to 08444126412 at 13:28 and lasted 22 min this is when Simon called to report what had
happened on the 09/12/2013 and give all the information which the person noted. I know there is some issue as to
the lady who witnessed this information being missing but it was all given on this call. If it can be possible can
someone get the tape for this call and get the information to the witness so KGM can contact her about what she
saw and who was at fault.