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->Cordell Cover note.pdf
Temporary Motor Insurance Cover Note Number PP 6115008999
Details of proposer and cover period
Cover starting on: Hour 17:09 Day 17 Month 04 Year 2014 until the same time 30 days thereafter
Issued on: Hour 17:09 Day 17 Month 04 Year 2014
Reason for issue New Business Renewal Adjustment Other Policy number PPAMT74092
Full name of proposer Mr Simon Cordell
Full address 109 Burncroft Avenue
Postcode EN3 7JQ
Motor trader and any other occupation declared to and accepted by PolicyPlan (a trading
style of Staveley Head Limited)
The above named Proposer, having applied for Insurance described in the Schedule below and having paid or agreed to pay the required premium, the Insurance is hereby
provisionally held in force for the period and time entered above in the terms of the Insurers' usual form of Insurance applicable thereto (subject to the Special Conditions indicated
below), unless this provisional Insurance be terminated by written notice to the Proposer at the above address, in which case the Insurance shall thereupon cease and a
proportionate part of the annual premium will be charged for the time this Insurance has been in force.
Any motor vehicle owned by the policyholder (or spouse of the policyholder if named below) and any motor vehicle in the custody or control of the policyholder in
connection with the policyholder's motor trade business, but excluding any steam-driven vehicle, mobile plant, agricultural vehicles, special type vehicles, trikes,
Description of quadbikes, taxis, PSV vehicles, vehicles in excess of 7.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight, vehicle transporters or trailers capable of carrying more than 2 vehicles,
vehicles capable of carrying more than seven passengers, any goods carrying vehicle used by the policyholder for hire or reward other than recovery vehicles
vehicle licenced under the recovery vehicles taxation class or trade plates for the carriage of goods for demonstration purposes in accordance with the regulations
applicable to such licences, and excluding any vehicle hired by the policyholder under a hire purchase agreement to any partner, director or employee of the
policyholder unless such vehicle is in the custody or control of the policyholder for the purposes of the policyholder's motor trade business.
Type of cover Comprehensive Third Party Fire and Theft Third Party Only
Drivers covered and appropriate use as
defined overleaf: SDP TFW ABU MT
Simon Cordell
Vehicle indemnity limit Maximum total liability for all Special conditions
£10000 £20000 £ 500accidental damage, fire and theft excess
Certificate of Motor Insurance
We hereby certify that this covering note satisfies the requirements of the relevant law applicable in Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man.
For and on behalf of Enterprise Insurance Company plc.
Issued by
Andrew Flowers Managing Director
Agent for the Proposer but specially empowered by Insurers Enterprise Insurance Company plc
to issue this temporary protection to meet the requirements
of the relevant law.
Important note This Temporary Cover Note is not evidence of an annual contract or that the Insurer will enter into an annual contract. If the Insurance provided by this cover
note is not required, please return it immediately, stating the reason(s) for doing so.
Staveley Head Limited
This insurance is arranged and administered by PolicyPlan (a trading style of Staveley Head Limited). Registered in England and Wales No. 2802585.
Registered office Staveley House, Church Street, Connah's Quay, CH5 4AS. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Underwritten by Enterprise Insurance Company plc, R22-R24 Ragged Staff Wharf, Queensway Quay, Gibraltar.
Licensed and regulated by the Financial Services Commission, Gibraltar
Authorised to provide insurance in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority (Registration Number 402277)