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North Middlesex University Hospital
                                                                                        NHS Trust
                                                                      Health Services Laboratories (HSL)
                                                     North Middlesex Hospital, Sterling Way, London N181QX
                                                                             Enquiries: 020 8837 2000

             Not Staff                                         Surname          CORDELL

             Haringey Ward                                     Forename{s)      SIMON
             St Ann' Road                                      DOB              26/01/1981 { Age: 35 )
             Tottenham                                         Sex              M
             London                                            Ref Lab No
             N15 3TH                                           Hospital No      UB00543393
            ..........................................................................  NHS No.
           Lab Number * 46Q060005               —                  Sample dated       18/08/16
           Sample Type          ______________________ ______________ Request received 18/08/16

           Sodium                           141                mmol/L       (135-145)
           Potassium                        Sample unsuitable for analysis due to haemolysis* 4.0  mmol/L
           Urea                                                (1.7-8.3)
           Creatinine                       88                        umol/L (66-112)
           Estimated HpFTR                  89                  -
                                            Units*. mL/min/l.73sqm
                                            Multiply eGFR by 1.21 for people of African
                                            Caribbean origin. Interpret with regard to UK CKD
           Bilirubin!                       Use with caution for adjusting drug dosages -
           Alanine   ti                     contact clinical pharmacist for advice.
           Alkaline  fl  [total)             14                 umol/L      <<20}
           Total  ProH  psiminase            23                 m/h         (10-50)
           Albumin   1  psjhatase            72                 IU/L        (40-129)
           Calcium   I  tin                  77                 g/L         (63-83)
           Calcium (I                        49                 g/L         (34-50)
           Phosphate  buiin- adjusted)       2.42               mmol/L      (2.20-2.60)
           Magnesium 11                      2.36               mmol/L      (2.20-2.60)
           25-hydroxl                        0.84        Lo mmol/L          (0.87-1.45)
                      Vitamin D              31                 nmol/L
                                             Deficient if  < 25 nmol/L
                                            Insufficient if 25 - 75 nmol/L Possible Toxicity if
                                            > 250 nmol/L
          Cholesterij  1                     4.6               mmol/L       (<5.0)
          Triglyceri  |                      0.8               mmol/L       (0.4-2.3)
          HDL Cholel  |er(|l                 1.2               mmol/L       (0.9-1.5)
          Non-HDL Cl lleiterol               3.4               ramoi/L
          LDL Cholel  ierJl (Calculated)    3.0                mmol/L       (<3.5)
          Choleste^*  l.uilr. ratio          3.8
          C- react ivtBprcfte in             1.7               mg/L         {<5.0)

          Glucose                            5.3               mmol/L       (3.9-5.8)

                                            Reference  range applies to fasting samples only.
          Vitamin BIB Serum folJB?          234               pg/mL         (197 - 771)
                                            Sample unsuitable for analysis  due to haemolysis.
                                            Folate  result assumes no folic  acid supplement
                                            on day of  sampling.
          Thyroid sflmuJiating hormone       1.31              miu/L        (0.27-4.20)
          Free T4                            19.8              pmol/L       (12.0-22.0)

          Authorised iMT  |   Divina Buncan (NMUH RRL)
          This copy printed  Thursday 18/08/16 Page 1 of 1

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