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Referral received from HCRHT to followed up by ECRHT 27/08/16.
                              Assessment carried out by HCRHT. Simon presented as courteous and polite on
                              approach. Explained to HCRHTT staff that he had been detained illegally and
                              was placed in hospital without reason. Denied making threats to neighbours,
                              denied any mental health problems. Explained that he had been put on
                              medication and has remained concordant whilst on the ward despite not wanting
                              to have medication, as he feels "I do not suffer with any mental health problems"

                              Circumstances leading to admission to Haringey Ward: Arrested at his home
                    address after his mother raised concerns about his mental state - he was allegedly verbally
                    threatening towards his neighbour and possibly neighbour's children. Simon's mother called
                    police who arrested him. He was seen by the Referral    FME at Wood Green police station,
                    referred for MHA.
                Summary    History of Paranoid thoughts regarding neighbour watching/listening to him.
                              First HV by ECRHTT 28/08/16.
                              Simon was adamant that the Tribunal (26/09/16) had discharged him from
                              Section and is not willing to take medication anymore. Appeared slightly elated in
                              mood, pressured speech.

                              M/R by Dr Akande 07/09/16.
                              Patient complained that the olanzapine was making him feel very tired. He
                              appeared mentally stable in spite of his talkativeness which the Dr stated he later
                              understood to be his normal self. Simon stated that professionals have
                              misunderstood it as a symptom of a mental illness.

                              ECRHTT TPM 16/09/16.
                              Patient no-longer considered to be in acute crisis. _____

                              History of non-compliance with medication.

                              Risk to self: low
              Specific Risk /  Risk to others: low
               Safeguarding  Risk from others: low
              concerns and  Disengagement: highly likely to disengage
                     specific  Substance misuse: denied using drugs, cigarettes or alcohol
                       plans  FORENSIC Hx: frequent contact with police from a young age. Simon reported
                              that he has been to prison in the past. Subject to an ASBO due to playing loud

              Early Relapse  Aggression towards neighbour/neighbour’s children. Increased paranoia
                 Indicators / regarding neighbour.
                        Plan EIP to monitor mood/mental state.

           To access our services in hours (9am-5pm) please contact the Care Coordinator within the
           relevant team.

           For out of hours emergency response please call the Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment
           Teams (CRHTT):

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