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Progress Notes                                                                         Page 2 of 53

              Originator Details: 16 Nov 2018 15:08 Soobah Appadoo Nursing
              Originally Entered By Details: 16 Nov 2018 15:16 Soobah Appadoo Last
              Amended By Details: 16 Nov 2018 15:16 Soobah Appadoo Validated By
              Details: 16 Nov 2018 15:16 Soobah Appadoo Significant: No Added to
              Risk History: No
              Contains Third Party Info: No Conceal From Client: Not Concealed

              16/11/2018 Lorraine (mother) left a message at reception for me to call her back.
          -5^ T/C with Lorraine. She said she is not happy that Simon was discharged from hospital. I said that I did not see any value
              for the ward to keep him as he is adamant that he does not have a mental illness and he has constantly declined
              medications. She said that Simon wanted to build up a relationship with the ward? She also mentioned that I have said
              that I will help Simon with housing issues; I clarified that I at no point have I said this but what I said that if Simon
              agrees to engage with CC in the community I am more than happy to talk/listen to him. I reiterated that his housing
              issues does not fall under the remit of the Community Mental Health Team and that he/should liaise with the Enfield
              Council directly and/or challenge the eviction via the courts. She said that she plans to liaise with the Court. I said that
              I am happy to arrange a review with his Psychiatrist if that what he wants; she said that she will discuss this with Simon
              and call be next week.
              From Dr Greensides RIO entry:

              -He does not want to see CC

              -He does not want to see Psychiatrist in the community
              -He has agreed for nursing staff to call him (for 7 day follow up) ____________________________________________
              Originator Details: 15 Nov 2018 18:30 Emma Moseley Nursing
              Originally Entered By Details: 15 Nov 2018 18:33 Emma Moseley Last
              Amended By Details: 15 Nov 2018 18:33 Emma Moseley Validated By
              Details: (UNVALIDATED)
              Significant: No Added to Risk History: No
              Contains Third Party Info: No Conceal From Client: Not Concealed
              Simon was discharged from the ward. He waited till his mother came to pick him up. When his mother came she
              expressed her concerns that he was being discharged as the situation with the flat had not been resolved. I stated that
              the care coordinator would be able to help with this. She stated that the discharge as " malicious”. She was reassured
              that this was not the case. ____________________________________________________________________________
              Originator Details: 15 Nov 2018 14:11 Emma Moseley Nursing Originally Entered By Details:
              15 Nov 2018 14:13 Emma Moseley Last Amended By Details: 15 Nov 2018 14:13 Emma Moseley
              Validated By Details: (UNVALIDATED)
              Significant: No Added to Risk History: No
              Contains Third Party Info: No Conceal From Client: Not Concealed
              T/C received from Simons Mother, she was angry that Simon had been discharged. The reasons for discharge were
              stated and she stated the she was not happy that he had been discharged and that he wanted a social worker. She was
              informed that he had a care coordinator that would be able to help or sign post Simon on social issues in the
              community. _________________________________________________________________________________________

              Originator Details: 15 Nov 2018 12:06 Dr Jonathan Greensides Medical Originally Entered By
              Details: 15 Nov 2018 12:10 Dr Jonathan Greensides Last Amended By Details: 15 Nov 2018 12:10
              Dr Jonathan Greensides Validated By Details: 15 Nov 2018 12:10 Dr Jonathan Greensides
              Significant: No Added to Risk History: No
              Contains Third Party Info: No Conceal From Client: Not Concealed


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