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Progress Notes                                                                          Page 6 of 53

            Originator Details: 13 Nov 2018 17:50 Gifty Dadzie Nursing
            Originally Entered By Details: 13 Nov 2018 17:50 Gifty Dadzie Last
            Amended By Details: 13 Nov 2018 17:50 Gifty Dadzie Validated By
            Details: 13 Nov 2018 17:50 Gifty Dadzie Significant: No Added to
            Risk History: No
            Contains Third Party Info: No Conceal From Client: Not Concealed
            Simon kept himself occupied in his bed space, he has appeared fairly quiet on the ward. Minimal engagement with staff
            but pleasant on approach.
            Ate and drunk adequately during meal time.
            No concerns reported from Simon. Nursed on general observation.___________________________________________
            Originator Details: 13 Nov 2018 16:00 Dr Jonathan Greensides Medical Originally Entered By
            Details: 14 Nov 2018 12:57 Dr Jonathan Greensides Last Amended By Details: 14 Nov 2018 12:57
            Dr Jonathan Greensides Validated By Details: 14 Nov 2018 12:57 Dr Jonathan Greensides
            Significant: No Added to Risk History: No
            Contains Third Party Info: No Conceal From Client: Not Concealed
            section 3 form completed, previous one has lapsed ________________________________________________________
            Originator Details: 13 Nov 2018 11:18 Margaret Garrod Social Worker Originally Entered By
            Details: 13 Nov 2018 11:50 Margaret Garrod Last Amended By Details: 13 Nov 2018 11:50 Margaret
            Garrod Validated By Details: 13 Nov 2018 11:50 Margaret Garrod Significant: No Added to Risk
            History: No
            Contains Third Party Info: Yes Conceal From Client: Not Concealed Enfield AMHP Service
            T/C to Lorraine Cordell mother on 07807333545. She confirmed that she will be available tomorrow and can attend the
            Ward at 2.00pm.
            She told me at length about her concerns that her son had been misdiagnosed and that the evidence against him that
            he has mental illness is based on information from Enfield Council who she considers have been supporting allegations
            from his neighbours, ignoring his complaints that the neighbours are causing him serious noise nuisance. She said she
            had attended a court hearing on 9th August when Enfield housing had been giving evidence to evict Simon from his flat.
            Lorraine said that the Court was impressed with her copies of her evidence that disputed the Evidence from Enfield
            and no Eviction notice was granted. She told me he has colour CCTV that could give documentary evidence that he was
            in his flat when instances occurred outside.
            She also said that in the past Simon had agreed to remain in hospital but had been discharged two days later due to lack
            of beds.
            She told me that Simon had been given leave to visit his dog who since Simon's admission was found to have cancer and
            has undergone major surgery. She had felt he needed time to be with the dog, to which he is devoted, and planned to
            take him to visit her home today.

            We agreed to meet on the ward tomorrow Wed 14.11.2018 at 2.00pm Dr Rao Independent S12 agreed to meet us on the
            ward at 2.00pm.
            Dr Greensides agreed that he would be available on the ward. Simon has been very calm on the ward until the matter
            of him taking medication was raised. He thought there was sufficient evidence for a new med rec for Section 3 to be
            completed which he will be doing. ______________________________________________________________________
            Originator Details: 13 Nov 2018 11:00 Dr Jonathan Greensides Medical Originally Entered By
            Details: 13 Nov 2018 11:01 Dr Jonathan Greensides Last Amended By Details: 13 Nov 2018 11:01
            Dr Jonathan Greensides Validated By Details: 13 Nov 2018 11:01 Dr Jonathan Greensides
            Significant: No Added to Risk History: No
            Contains Third Party Info: No Conceal From Client: Not Concealed  I have given him leave to visit his
            dog that is unwell.
            dog is at mothers home and not his. _____________________________________________________________________
            Originator Details: 13 Nov 2018 10:49 Dr Jonathan Greensides Medical Originally Entered By
            Details: 13 Nov 2018 10:57 Dr Jonathan Greensides Last Amended By Details: 13 Nov 2018 10:57
            Dr Jonathan Greensides Validated By Details: 13 Nov 2018 10:57 Dr Jonathan Greensides
            Significant: No Added to Risk History: No
            Contains Third Party Info: No Conceal From Client: Not Concealed


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