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Progress Notes                                                                            Page 13 of 53

            ENTRY BY: Lawrence Gina
            MHA STATUS: On Section 2 of the MHA of 1983
            MENTAL STATE: He Remains relatively calm and settled on the ward maintaining low profile, though still lack insight
            into his mental state.
            SOCIAL INCLUSION: Interacting well with other service users and staff.

            MEDICATION: - Not on any medication at the moment
            PHYSICAL HEALTH: Nil physical health concern . He was observed to have had adequate dietary and fluid intake

            INVESTIGATION: - Nil carried out today .
            PERSONAL CARE & ACTIVITIES: Self caring which appears satisfactory . There were no ward based activities by the OT
            on this shift
            RISK AND OBSERVATION:-- None identify with him or other. Remains on general observation.
            LEAVE STATUS :He has section 17 leave __________________________________________________________________
            Originator Details: 08 Nov 2018 17:48 Gifty Dadzie Nursing Originally Entered By Details:
            08 Nov 2018 17:43 Gifty Dadzie Last Amended By Details: 08 Nov 2018 17:48 Gifty Dadzie
            Validated By Details: 08 Nov 2018 17:48 Gifty Dadzie Significant: No Added to Risk History:
            Contains Third Party Info: No Conceal From Client: Not Concealed  MHA STATUS: Detained on section
            2 of the MHA 1983 as amended 2007
            MENTAL STATE:- Simon remains relatively calm on the ward . Seen interacting with staff and peers.
            He did not utilise his leave, he attended his tribunal and he unfortunately lost his tribunal. Remains on section 2 of the
            mental health act.

            SOCIAL INCLUSION: Simon did not utilise his section 17 leave,

            INVESTIGATION: -Nil carried out today.
            PHYSICAL HEALTH : Nil physical health concern . Ate and drunk adequately during meal times
            MEDICATION: — Nil regular medication prescribed

            PERSONAL CARE 6 ACTIVITIES: - Maintains good personal care .
            RISK AND OBSERVATION LEVEL: Nursed on general observation .
            LEAVE STATUS He utilised his section 17 leave and returned to the ward . ______________________
            Originator Details: 08 Nov 2018 15:03 Lisa Brady Social Worker Originally Entered By Details:
            08 Nov 2018 15:04 Lisa Brady Last Amended By Details: 08 Nov 2018 15:04 Lisa Brady Validated
            By Details: 08 Nov 2018 15:04 Lisa Brady Significant: No Added to Risk History: No
            Contains Third Party Info: No Conceal From Client: Not Concealed
            Enfield FICS
            Dr Tim Rogers has contacted Dr Jonathan Greensides - await update ___________________________
            Originator Details: 08 Nov 2018 13:05 Maria Bruce Medical Originally Entered By Details:
            08 Nov 2018 13:05 Maria Bruce Last Amended By Details: 04 Dec 2018 16:03 Maria Bruce Validated
            By Details: 04 Dec 2018 16:03 Maria Bruce Significant: No Added to Risk History: No
            Contains Third Party Info: No Conceal From Client: Not Concealed

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