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Progress Notes                                                                           Page 8 of 53

             MHA STATUS: -- Detained under Section 2of the MHA
             MENTAL STATE: Simon spent most of his time in his room using his computer. He only came out of his room when he
             wants his demand to be met. He appeared calm in mood and fairly settled in presentation. Patient approached staff
             that he would like to go the petrol station in the middle of the night.
             SOCIAL INCLUSION: -- Minimal interaction with both staff and peers.

             INVESTIGATION: -- Nil carried out this shift
             PHYSICAL HEALTH: Nil reported and observed. Good dietary and fluid taken.

             MEDICATION: - Not on any medication at night

             PERSONAL CARE 6 ACTIVITIES: Self-care appeared satisfactory. Nil activity.
             RISK AND OBSERVATION LEVEL: Unpredictable behaviour. Nursed on general observation.
             LEAVE STATUS - Nil Section 17 leave but can go to the garden for fresh air.

             Originator Details: 12 Nov 2018 18:52 Gifty Dadzie Nursing Originally
             Entered By Details: 12 Nov 2018 18:52 Gifty Dadzie Last Amended By
             Details: 12 Nov 2018 18:52 Gifty Dadzie Validated By Details: 12 Nov 2018
             18:52 Gifty Dadzie Significant: No Added to Risk History: No
             Contains Third Party Info: No Conceal From Client: Not Concealed
             Simon maintained a low profile, presented as fairly calm and relaxed in his mood and behaviour. No aggressive
             behaviour displayed.
             No overt psychotic symptom observed. Ate and drunk well in the company of others. Simon has up to 6 hours leave
             to see his dog .

             His mother will be visiting the ward tomorrow to see his dog. _______________________________________________
             Originator Details: 12 Nov 2018 16:33 Margaret Garrod Social Worker
             Originally Entered By Details: 12 Nov 2018 16:41 Margaret Garrod Last
             Amended By Details: 12 Nov 2018 16:41 Margaret Garrod Validated By
             Details: 12 Nov 2018 16:41 Margaret Garrod Significant: No Added to Risk
             History: No
             Contains Third Party Info: Yes Conceal From Client: Not Concealed Enfield
             AMHP Service

             T/C by Gideon Ellis AMHP Trainee to Lorraine Cordell 07807 333545 mother to seek her availability for the MHAA on
             Wednesday 14.11.2018.
             She thought she might be free but needed to consult her diary. Gideon agreed a member of the AMHP Service would
             ring her tomorrow at about 10.00am to confirm the time for the assessment.

             Originator Details: 12 Nov 2018 11:24 Gifty Dadzie Nursing Originally
             Entered By Details: 12 Nov 2018 11:24 Gifty Dadzie Last Amended By
             Details: 12 Nov 2018 18:50 Gifty Dadzie Validated By Details: 12 Nov 2018
             18:50 Gifty Dadzie Significant: No Added to Risk History: No
             Contains Third Party Info: No Conceal From Client: Not Concealed
             T/C to Enfield AMHP spoke to Maria the administration staff in regards to allocating a date and time for Simon's
             assessment for section 3.
             She tells me Simon's section 2 expires on the 23/11 /18 until then a date/time could not be allocate for the
             assessment. She tells me a new recommendation for section 3 would have to be done as the current one will be
             invalidate when the section expires on 23/11/18. _______________________________________________________
             Originator Details: 12 Nov 2018 10:09 Debajyoti Choudhury Medical
             Originally Entered By Details: 12 Nov 2018 10:09 Debajyoti Choudhury Last
             Amended By Details: 12 Nov 2018 10:09 Debajyoti Choudhury Validated By
             Details: (UNVALIDATED)
             Significant: No Added to Risk History: No
             Contains Third Party Info: No Conceal From Client: Not Concealed


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