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P. 214

Jessica: When a client purchases a vehicle, they have 14 days to make us aware. If they didn’t
          within 14 days they don’t make us aware then they’re not covered but anything like this
          happened we do need proof to show that he had only had it within the 14 days otherwise it would
          not cover it we need to obviously we would not ask for proof normally but say if he has like pulled
          over now we would ask because he could just say he bought it yesterday or a week ago and we
          would still cover him.
          PC G So it definitely does not cover him on the if he literally going around with tools in the van
          doing jobs that is not something he is covered for Jessica Certainly not
          PC G: That’s not something he is covered for Jessica: No certainly not
          PC G Can I just get your name obviously for my notes

          Name: Jessica Kempton DOB 02.02.1992 Phone: 0208 530 1822
          Underwriting Department
          PC G Thanks very much for your help

          22.11.2013 Emails:
 at 17.14 hrs - no reply
 - forwarded email of 22.11.2013. This email was sent on
          24.11.2013 at 13.33 hrs
          Email read on 24.11.2013 by read the email on
          24.11.2013 at 17.02 hrs
          Emailed broker on 25.11.2013 at 10.06 hrs email
 - all emails sent to compound forwarded.

          Spoke to PS complaint made on CAD6768/14NOV/13 Cost of recovering the van £190 Ref:

          Details of search of van: KGM recording. (FROM RECORDING 26_ll_2013_ll_53_Kelly
          Tiller Kelly call to compound

          Thank you for calling KGM ............ introduction hold whilst we connect you to our
          Charlton Car pound: Good afternoon James speaking
          James KMG: Hello James is Kelly there please. Who’s calling please?
          Charlton Car pound - Car pound Metropolitan police service

          James KMG: Yeah one second please. Okay I will just put you through
          Kelly Tiller - Hello Kelly speaking
          Gareth: Hello Kelly my name is Gareth, Manager of Charlton Car Pound Metropolitan Police
          Service I’m dealing with a Mr Simon Paul Cordell something about the tools in the back of his
          vehicle Kelly: Correct yeah
          Gareth: All I can do is I’ve looked at the seizure notice which would be given to Paul at the time
          and any property left was blank so if there was any tools in the back normally that would be
          registered as tools in the rear of the vehicle Kelly: Right okay because we had a call from the
          police Gareth: Yeah
          Kelly: He advised that there were tools in the vehicle Gareth: Do you want to speak to him a
          moment Kelly: Who Sorry
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