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P. 215

Gareth: Paul because I have got him in front of me
          Kelly: Yeah that’s fine
          SC Hello
          Kelly: Hello
          SC: You alright Kelly
          Kelly: Okay what have they given you there
          SC: They have not given me anything but he did explain to you on the phone that
          there’s’ no tools on the vehicle on their CADs and in any case,  they would write that
          down tools in the vehicle and so forth Kelly: Right okay and has he gives you a print out
          of this.
          SC: No, you will have to ask him yourself
          Kelly: Right can you pass me back to him
          Gareth: Hello Kelly
          Kelly: Hello, right okay so if there was any kind of tools in the vehicle it would be stated
          on there
          Gareth: Well yeah what happens on the roadside a police officer will issue a seizure
          notice and he will say do you want to take any property out of the vehicle, normally they
          take sat navs , wallets, money whatever Kelly: He could have taken the tools out of the
          Gareth: Well I do not know I am not going to comment on that to be perfectly frank with
          you all I can do is comment on the paperwork that I see in front of me Right okay
          Gareth: And there was nothing left in the vehicle Kelly: At the time of when it come in
          but obviously Yeah
          Kelly: He’s had the opportunity to take items out of that vehicle Gareth: But then it
          would have been mentioned that he had done that and there is nothing there saying
          that he had and it would have also mentioned what was taken on the seizure notice
          Kelly: Is there any chance you can forward me a copy of this
          Gareth: No we are not allowed to under the Police Act and God knows what else. All
          I can confirm is what I have seen on the seizure notice
          Kelly: Can you confirm that in an email to me please
          Gareth: Right what you do
          Kelly: I have already emailed yourselves and
          You’ve replied to say you would not have anything like that on record and I just need
          you to pop me over an email to say that
          Gareth: If you go to Charlton car Charlton documents and I can reply from there
          because we have firewalls and God knows what else Kelly: So you don’t use the vcse
          one of whatever it is called
          Gareth: No if you do What I am going to do I am
          going to bring up a copy of this seizure notice just double check that I have done
          everything right for you Kelly: Are you a police officer
          Gareth: No I work at the compound I am just one of the little plebs
          Kelly: I have just forwarded you over a copy of the email and the reply that I got from
          the vres
          Gareth: What I will do I can only go on what we have got here and I’m just bringing it up
          now if you bear with me. I am looking at the copy of
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