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                                     (C.J. Act 1967, S2,9.M.C. Rules 1968 R58)

           STATEMENT OF:  Lorraine Cordell

           AGE OF WITNESS (if over 21): 52
 Since Tyrone Benjamin accident on the 10/04/2014 I have been staying there

 to help care for him as he could not do many things himself.   OCCUPATION OF WITNESS:  Unemployed due to heath Problems.
 I have also been staying at Simon Cordell address a lot,  due to how he has   ADDRESS: 23 Byron Terrace, Edmonton, London, N9 7DG

 been feeling so he has someone to talk to, as he has locked himself away a     TELEPHONE: 0208 245 7454
 great deal over the last few years due to things that been going on in  his life.
           This statement consisting of 6 page(s) each signed by me, is true to the best of my

 On the 06/06/2014 I was at Lorraine Cordell Home with other family members,   knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be
 Lorraine's Nan was not well and was most of the day in  bed sleeping.  Simon   liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated in it anything which I know to be false or
 and his Mum were working on his website for many hours this day and other   do not believe to be true.

 things he was doing to set his company up.  It was really late when we all left
           Dated the 22 day of December 2015
 Simon dropped Deon home to her house and then me and Simon went home
 to his house, where we stayed up talking for a while and then went to sleep.      Signed ………………………….
                                             Signature Witnessed by ……………………………..

 On the 07/06/2014 a family member Dwayne Edwards was having a party due

 to him leaving to travel the world for 12  months the party was held in a hall at
 the end of Hounsfield Road in  Edmonton N9  by the park.  Most of the family   I am Lorraine Cordell; my date of birth is 03/10/1963. My home address is as stated above. I
 attended and friends.   am making this Updated witness statement to my statement dated 24  February 2015 in

           response an appeal to the police application for an anti-social behaviour order on Mr Simon
 Simon's Nan and Lorraine left early due to Simon Nan  not being well.
           Cordell. I am the mother of Simon Cordell.

 The party went in to the 08/06/2014 early hours;  Simon left sometime in the
 early hours I am  not sure what time it was I new this as he said bye to   Performance-driven, entrepreneurial marketing professional with 5+ years of continuous
 everyone.   advancement and expertise in international business, sales and marketing, and technical

           application/product/R&D engineering.
 I stayed at the party till later to enjoy myself.   Proactive self-starter with track record of initiative, personal responsibility, ownership of work

           and reputation for removing obstacles and making things happen. Highly analytical thinker

           with demonstrated ability to scrutinize technical and financial data. Strong leader who

           effectively motivates others and directs top-level  strategic corporate initiatives Superlative
           interpersonal communicator, presenter, and negotiator; delivered  effective presentations to

           corporate senior executives; Creative, dependable, and enthusiastic change agent with

           proven track record in improving efficiencies, reducing costs, and increasing revenues. Skilled
           coalition builder with multicultural experience through extensive work in Latin America

 Signed   Witnessed By   Signed      ……………………………    Witnessed By      ………………………………                           1

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