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a.  The present conviction.
               b.  His previous convictions; and
               c.  The summary of anti-social behaviour acts set out in the request form attached
               And that
               (ii) an order was necessary to protect persons in England and Wales from further anti-social
               acts by him.
               It is ordered that the defendant, Dean Bones is prohibited from:
               In England and Wales:
               Entering any public car park within the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council area, except
               in the course of lawful employment.
               Entering any land or building on the land which forms a part of educational premises except
               as an enrolled pupil with the agreement of the head of the establishment or in the course of
               lawful employment.
               PART 5 © SWEET & MAXWELL
               Simon Cordell’s Skeleton Argument (2) Pdf
               Page: 23
               R, v DEAN BONES AND OTHERS
               In any public place, wearing, or having with you anything which covers, or could be used to
               cover, the face or part of the face. This will include hooded clothing, balaclavas, masks, or
               anything else which could be used to hide identity, except that a motorcycle helmet may be
               worn only when lawfully riding a motorcycle.
               Having any item with you in public which could be used in the commission of a burglary, or
               theft of or from vehicles except that you may carry one door key for your house and one
               motor vehicle or bicycle lock key. A motor vehicle key can only be carried if you are able to
               inform a checking officer of the registration number of the vehicle and that it can be
               ascertained that the vehicle is insured for you to drive it.
               Having possession of any article in public or carried in any vehicle, that could be used as a
               weapon. This will include glass bottles, drinking glasses and tools.
               Remaining on any shop, commercial or hospital premises if asked to leave by staff. Entering
               any premises from which barred.
               Entering upon any private land adjoining any dwelling premises or commercial premises
               outside of opening hours of that premises without the express permission of a person in
               charge of that premises. This includes front gardens, driveways and paths. Except in the
               course of lawful employment. Touching or entering any unattended vehicle without the
               express permission of the owner.
               Acting or inciting others to act in an anti-social manner, that is to say, a manner that causes or
               is likely to cause harassment, alarm, or distress to one or more persons not of the same
               Congregating in groups of people in a manner causing or likely to cause any person to fear
               for their safety or congregating in groups of more than SIX persons in an outdoor public
               Doing anything which may cause damage.
               Not being anywhere but your home address as listed on this order between 2330 hours and
               0700 hours or at an alternative address as agreed in advance with the prolific and priority
               offender officer or anti-social behaviour coordinator at Basingstoke Police Station.
               Being carried on any vehicle other than a vehicle in lawful use.
               Being in the company of Jason Arnold, Richard Ashman, Corrine Barlow, Mark Bicknell,
               Joseph (Joe) Burford, Sean Condon, Alan Dawkins, Simon Lee, Daniel (Danny) Malcolm,
               Michael March, or Nathan Threshie. This order to run for 5 years after release from custody.”

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