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M'Gregor v D 1977 SC 3 30
               Official Receiver v Stern \2.000] 1 WLR 22.30; [2001] 1 All ER633, CA Qztiirk v
               Germany (1984) 6 EHRR 409           ^
               Percy v Director of Public Prosecutions [r995l 1 WLR 1381; l.t.995] 3 All ER 124, DC
               Proprietary Articles Trade Association v Attorney General for Canada [1931] AC 310,
               R v Kansa! (No z) [2001] UKHL 62; [2002] 2 AC 69; [2001] 3 WLR 1.562; [2002]
               All ER 257, HL{E)
               R v Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, Ex p McCormick [1998] BCC 379
               Raimondo v Italy (1994) 18 EJHRR 137 Ravnsborg v Sweden (1994) r 8 EHRR 3 8
               S (Minors) (Care Order: Implementation of Care Plan), In re [2001] UKHL 10.
               12002] 2 AC 291; [2002] zWLR 720; [2002] 2 All ER 5:92, HL(E)
               S v Miller 200 s SC 977
               Saidi v France {1993} 17 EHRR 251
               Sporrong and Ldnnrotb v Sweden (1981) j EHRR 35
               Steel v United Kingdom (1998) 28 EHRR 603
               Unterpertinger v Austria (1986) 13 EHRR 175
               Woodball (Alice), Ex p (1888) 20 QBD 83 2, CA
               The following additional cases were cited in argument:
               Bonalmm v Secretary of State for the Home Department [1985] QB 675; [1985]
               WLR 712; 11.985] 1. AUER797, CA             ^
               Botross v Hammersmith and Fulham London Borough Council (1994} 93 LGR 268,
               DC      ,      .
               Carr v Atkins [1987] QB 963; [1987] 3 WLR 529; [1987] 3 All LR 684, CA Ihhotson
               v United Kingdom (1998) 27 EHRR CD 332
               Krone-Verilog GmbH v Austria (Application No 28977/95) (unreported) 21 May 1997,
               E Com HR
               Nottingham City Council v Zain (A Manor) I2001j EWCA Civ 1248; [2002] 1 WLR
               607, CA
               Pelle v France (1986) 50 DR 263
               R v Board of Visitors of Hull Prison, Ex p St Germain [1.979] QB 42S; 119791 1 WLR
               42; [1979] 1 AUER 701, CA
               R (McCann) v Crown Court at Manchester APPEAL from the Court of Appeal
               This was an appeal, with leave of the House (Lord Slynn of Hadley, Lord Steyn and Lord
               Rodger of Earls ferry) granted on 25 April 2002, by the defendants, Sean McCann, Michael
               McCann and Joseph McCann, against a decision of the Court of Appeal (Lord Phillips of
               Worth Matravers MR, Kennedy and Dyson LJj) dated 1 March 2001 dismissing their appeals
               from a decision of the Divisional Court of the Queen’s Bench Division (Lord Woolf CJ and
               Rafferty j) on 22 November 2000 to refuse the defendants’ application, by their mother and
               litigation friend Margaret McCann, for judicial review by way of an order of certiorari to
               quash the decision of Judge Rhys Davies QC, the Recorder of Manchester, and justices sitting
               in the Crown Court at Manchester on 16 May 2000 to uphold a decision of a stipendiary
               magistrate to make anti-social behaviour orders against the defendants on the application of
               the Chief Constable of Greater Manchester.
               Simon Cordell’s Skeleton Argument (2) Pdf
               R (McCann) v Manchester Crown Ct (HL(E)
               [2003] 1 AC
               The facts are stated in the opinion of Lord Hope of Craighead.

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