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2.2  Conduct and behaviour                         •  damaging or vandalising any council property
                                                              • setting fires
           Condition 9. You, the tenant, are responsible
           for the behaviour of anyone, including your        •  riding motorbikes, mopeds, quad bikes
           children, living in or visiting your home. This      anywhere other than on the road
           means that you must ensure that they do not        •  installing or using equipment such as aerials to
           act in breach of any of these conditions.            operate illegal radio broadcasts from your own
           Also, you must not encourage them to act in          or any other council property or shared roof
           such a way. This applies in the property, in       •  extensive repairing of cars and/or other
           communal and surrounding areas, any                  motorised vehicles on estate roads or parking
           property belonging to the council and or             areas
           anywhere else within Enfield borough.
                                                              •  obstructing any shared areas, doorways or exits
                                                              • throwing items from balconies or windows
           2.2.1  Anti-social behaviour, nuisance and
           noise disturbance                                  •  feeding pigeons, squirrels, foxes, wild birds or
                                                                any other non-domesticated animal
           We will consider all legal remedies available to us
           to deal with anti-social behaviour, domestic       • jamming communal doors open
           abuse, harassment, hate crime, nuisance, gang      •  letting people into communal blocks who do
           activity and other criminal activity where this is   not have a right to be there.
           supported by sufficient evidence.                  If you are suffering abuse or annoyance, you

           If we take legal action, we will ask the court to   should report the matter to us.
           give us an order against you for the legal costs
           we have incurred.                                  Condition 11. You must not install any audio
                                                              and/or video equipment or carry out any
           Condition 10. You must not act in any way          physical measures to respond to any
           which causes, or is likely to cause, a             nuisance or anti-social behaviour which you
           nuisance or annoyance or is anti-social.           are suffering from, without first consulting us.
           Examples of this sort of behaviour include but are   Condition 12. You must ask for our written
           not limited to:                                    permission to install hardwood, laminate or
           •  playing loud music including noisy parties and   tiled flooring and provide us with written
             congregations                                    specification of the proposed works prior to
           •  unreasonable noise caused by inadequate
             insulation and/or soundproofing of any type of   We would strongly advise that, in flats, you fit
             flooring                                         carpets. Do not remove existing carpets. You
           • noisy DIY at unsocial hours                      should not install tiling, hardwood or laminate-type
                                                              flooring because fitting these may increase the
           • loud arguments and/or fighting                   way noise travels between floors and through
           • offensive and/or disruptive drunkenness          walls. So if it disturbs your neighbours, we may
           • dumping rubbish and furniture                    consider it to be a nuisance and a breach of the
           • fly tipping                                      conditions.
           • slamming doors                                   Condition 13. You must not carry out
           •  allowing your dog(s) to bark persistently and/or   household tasks using machinery such as a
             cause a mess                                     washing machine, tumble dryer, dishwasher
           • not keeping your pet(s) under control            or vacuum cleaner between the hours of
           • playing ball games close to people’s homes       10pm – 7am.
           • disruptive and/or intimidating loitering
           • spraying or writing graffiti
           •  skateboarding and cycling on footpaths and

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