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P. 75

2.  I make  this Witness Statement in support  of the  Claimant’s application for an
                          injunction to stop the Defendant from causing intimidation, harassment to me and
                          other residents.


                      3.  The problem  with the Defendant started a  few months after we moved into the
                          property, after the Defendant approached me asking me to write a letter of support
                          in relation to a problem he was having with the lady that used to live at Flat 113
                          Bumcroft Avenue. I refused to write the letter and told the Defendant that I do not
                          want to get involved as I did not have any problems with the lady. Since then the
                          Defendant has made living in this block difficult for me and my family. He has been
                          very aggressive to my family and I and has continuously intimidated, threatened and
                          harassed my wife, cousin and me.

                      4.  The Defendant have repeatedly accused us of making noise inside our flat even
                          though our flat is situated two floors above his and the person living directly below
                          us have never complained to us  about  noise. He has shouted abuse at us,
                          damaged our properties and aggressively demanded money from me. My family and
                          I are constantly living in fear and my wife is frightened to stay at home and has had
                          to accompany me to work on several occasions and stayed in the  car with  our

                          young daughter until I finish work.

                      5.  The Defendant has slashed my car tyres, damaged my fuse box and has physically
                          threatened to hit me with a piece of wood. He has a big dog that he brings out with
                          him without a lead when he approaches us and he has used the dog to intimidate
                          us. He also allows the dog to bark and run freely inside the communal hallway and
                          staircase without a lead. I have reported


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