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20.On 9th June 2017, my cousin returned from work late at night and as he opened the main
             communal door, the Defendant came out of his flat and started to shout abuse at him. As my
             cousin brought out his mobile phone to record the incident, the Defendant snatched the
             phone from him. A struggle ensued as my cousin tried to get his phone back from the
             Defendant. The Defendant then physically attacked my cousin; he grabbed my cousin round
             his arm and neck and injured his arm thereby causing it to bleed. My cousin managed to get
             his phone back and called the police. The police attended within 10 minutes and my cousin
             explained to them what happened and they went to speak to the Defendant but he refused to
             let them in,

             21.On 16th June 2017 at 11:55am, the Defendant confronted my wife outside the main
             entrance door as she was going to pick our daughter from school and accused her of making
             noise. The Defendant also said to my wife that he has our bank account and personal details
             and that she should tell me to pay him money.

             22.On 18th June 2017 at 11:55am, the Defendant confronted my wife outside the communal
             entrance door as she was going to pick our daughter from school and said to her that he
             knows what time she goes out and when she returns and to tell her husband that he wants to
             speak to him.

             23.On 23rd June 2017, my cousin returned from work at 11:35pm and as he entered the
             block, the Defendant came out of his flat with his dog barking and without a lead and started
             to swear and shout abuse at my cousin. The Defendant then attacked my cousin by punching
             him twice on the chest and tried to push my cousin out of the block. The Defendant snatched
             my cousins mobile phone as he tried to record the incident but he managed to get the phone
             back. My wife heard the commotion and woke me up and as we came out of my fiat shouting
             at my cousin and wanting to know what


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