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And bank details and that I must pay him to have them back I told him that I will not pay him to do whatever he
           likes with the details.

           27. The constant verbal abuse, swearing, intimidation and aggressive behaviour from the

            defendant  towards  my  family  and  I  have  made  it  difficult  for  us  to  live  in  our  home.  The  fear  of  not
            knowing  when  we  will  be  confronted  with  vile  and  aggressive behaviour as me or my wife go out  or
            return  to  our  home  has  caused  us  server stress and anxiety. My wife is afraid of leaving our flat on her
            own due to the fear that the defendant  will confront  and  shout  abuse at her. We  are having  to tip toe
            inside our own flat for fear of being accu5354 sed of making noise even though we live  two  floors  above
            the  defendant. The  defendant  has  caused  us  immense  hardship  by vandalising  my  property  and
            although  I  cannot  prove  it,  but  I  am  certain  that  the defendant was responsible  for  slashing  my  care
            tyres, damaging my meter cupboard and  removing my  electricity fuse  several  times  and  restricting  the
            water  flow  to  my flat. Also i no longer park my car outside my block in Burncroft  Avenue because of the
            car  being  vandalised.  I  now  park  a  few  streets  away,  about  ten  or  fifteen  minutes  from  my  home
            instead  of  outside  my  block  which  is  about  a minute from my flat. I do not see why we should have to
            live this way.

           Statement of Truth
           I believe the facts in Ms Witness Statement are true.

           Name: Mr Markandu Mathiyalagan

           Dated Ms 02 day of August 2017


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