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From: Complaints []
            Sent: 22 January 2015 15:04
            To: 'Lorraine Cordell'
            Subject: Notification Case No 8079/2014 ­ MT3574694
            Dear Mrs Cordell,

            Thank you for your email and for speaking to me this afternoon.

            Just to clarify our conversation, you wish to allow KGM 7 days to supply you with the Subject Access Request
            and call recordings as requested by you.
            You wish to continue to copy us in correspondence for our records only and that we will not escalate your
            complaint to a Lloyd’s review unless you instruct us to.

            Kind regards

            Mrs Cheryl Shannon
            Case Officer
            Telephone      +44 (0)1634 39 5693

            From: Lorraine Cordell []
            Sent: 22 January 2015 14:10
            To: Complaints
            Subject: RE: Notification Case No 8079/2014 ­ MT3574694

            Dear Mrs Cheryl Shannon

            Thank you for the email it is not my intention to go to court yet.

            But due to the mess up with my insurance from KGM my driving licence has been very badly damaged and I
            have suffered due to the insurance I had with KGM not showing up on the Police MID database. This in turn
            made me keep getting pulled by the police on the week days it was not so bad as I always had to carry my
            insurance policy and showed the police and they called my insurance company. But at the weekends due to
            the insurance company being closed the police could not confirm I had insurance so my vehicles were sized
            which in turn I suffered with the cost to take my vehicles out of the police compound and wasted my time
            having to go to the compound when there should have been no need. Also it caused me problems getting
            home after the police sized my vehicles. I am out of pocket of around £1700.00 just for the cost to get my
            vehicles out of the compound this is without everything else that has lead on due to it showing I was not

            I have had to go to a number of court cases just to prove I had insurance and then there have been cases
            where I have had no summons from the police so could not file I was pleading not guilty so they found me
            guilty when I did not even know there was a court case going ahead.

            This has put points on my driving licence and fines and I have been banned from driving. I have had to spend
            my time to get the cases reopened once I new about them also.
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