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In addition, there was one case when the police lied to my insurance company that I had tools in my van
            which I did not. Which I had to spend more of my time to prove to KGM that in fact there was no tools in my
            van as my insurance was getting cancelled for no good reason. I done this by way of having to go to the police
            compound as when any vehicle is impounded they have list everything that was in the vehicle.  When I got to
            the police compound I spoke to a manager who confirmed there were no tools, and a telephone call was
            made to Kelly Tiller at KGM and she spoke to the manager and he confirmed to her there was no tools when
            the van was taken into the police compound or when it was removed from the police compound.

            I new this case would go to court as the police office had in fact tried to make my insurance void, so I put in
            Subject access request under the Data Protection Act 1998 to be able to get the information I new I would
            need. KGM done nothing about this I did not get one reply from putting 3 Subject access request under the
            Data Protection Act 1998 this was going back to Nov 2013. this case was heard at court and due to not having
            the information I needed to prove the police office was not telling the truth I was found guilty and disqualified
            from driving for 6 months due to repeat offending of no insurance. I have appealed this as I was insured but
            need the data which KGM hold to prove this, But they will not give me it.  This case is due to go to the crown
            court I have not got a date yet but if I can get the information to the CPS it will not need to go to appeal. I
            have asked KGM again in Nov 2014 for the information and written what would be needed just for this case,
            and they still have not sent it and I being asked for information.

            ATM as it stands KGM have failed to comply with 3 Subject access request under the Data Protection Act
            1998, and follow the correct protocol for acting on a Subject access request under the Data Protection Act

            All this is having a huge impact on my life not being able to drive due to points on my driving licence which in
            fact was clean now I have such a mess to sort out just to get all of this sorted when I was in fact insured and
            had paid for my insurance and have done nothing wrong.

            Yes I am very upset over all of this and KGM is not helping I have been asking and asking and getting no where
            I should not be going through this. Yes I do want my money back I have lost but right now I want these court
            cases to be dealt with and for my driving licence to go back to being clean with no points this is the most
            important part for me but KGM does not seem to understand this and this is upsetting me even more, the
            insurance I took out with KGM has turned into a nightmare and I don’t know when this is going to end and
            they are going to deal with this matter so I can clear my name with DVLA and the courts.

            I am forwarding you all the emails I am sending so you can see what is going on and keep updated. As you can
            see, I am not getting very far with the information I need to clear my name with the courts and DVLA.  If KGM
            fail to comply with the Subject access request under the Data Protection Act 1998 and give me the
            information I need within 7 days I will be putting it in your hands to deal with all of the matters as this has
            been going on long enough.


            Simon Cordell

            From: Complaints []
            Sent: 22 January 2015 12:08
            To: ''
            Subject: Notification Case No 8079/2014 ­ MT3574694

            Dear Mr Cordell,

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