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          To: Lorraine Cordell
          Subject: RE: Simon
          Date: 08 December 2015 22:20:48

          I have just had Simon on the telephone for the past 10 minutes, firstly asking for a home appointment and then
          proceeding to state that I am not dealing with his case to finally threatening to bring me to court for not handling his case

          He is emphasising that I have made a lot of money from him throughout the years. He is emphasising that but for him
          being arrested so frequently I would not be the solicitor that I am.

          Lorraine, I do not want telephone calls of this nature. I do not want to be threatened and intimidated by Simon.
          I have asked repeatedly for the origin of information to be proven that does not show Simon close to the "organisers" of
          the raves. I am reliant on Simon providing this information. I voiced my views on Superintendent Coombes already and
          that avenue was left with you checking with Simon if he was happy to name the organiser. The information that Val
          Tanner and DS Chapman will amount to whether they have intelligence on who set up the raves and whether Simon's
          name was mentioned. This merely needs to be put in a statement.

          I do not appreciate Simon's behaviour. I do not consent to Simon video recording me at any meeting. Quite frankly since
          I have represented clients I have never been spoken to by another client the way Simon has spoken to me, nor have I
          been asked by a client to video record a meeting. It is very clear that Simon does not have any trust or faith in me to deal
          with his case so I have advised him to find an alternative solicitor. I will not object to the transfer of legal aid.
          I will not represent Simon whilst he is issuing threats and ultimatums to me.

          Until Simon finds an alternative solicitor, I will ask that the case be listed in court so that Simon can air all his
          I am sorry that it has come to this.
          Hi Josey
          Simon said can you call him please his number is 07763 043933 Also can you tell me what bundles you need?

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