Page 371 - tmp
P. 371

7/31/2017                                             Print

            Subject: This should be added to the list and my statment
            From:    Rewired Rewired (

            Date:    Monday, 15 February 2016, 22:32

           Trespassing is usually a civil wrong and dealt with accordingly. However, in England and Wales certain forms of trespassing, generally those which involve squatters, raves and hunt
           saboteurs are covered by criminal law. There are offences under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 Sections 61 and 62 of trespassing on land and trespassing with vehicles.
           With this in mind, police attendance may be required. Otherwise the owner of the land may need to deal by way of injunction. If you are in any doubt, you should seek legal advice.
           Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994

                                    Criminal Justice and Public
                                    Order Act 1994
                                    An Act to make further provision in
                                      relation to criminal justice (including
                                    employment in the prison service); to
                                    amend or extend the criminal law and
                                    powers for pr...
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