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From: Lorraine Cordell []
          Sent: 15 February 2016 11:06
          To: 'Jackie Gubby'; 'Louise Brown'
          Subject: RE: Simon Cordell Complaint [SEC=PROTECT]

          Attachments: Louise Brown_Jackie Gubby.doc; Simon_Cordell_authority_Letter_26­01­2016.doc
          Dear Louise Brown / Jackie Gubby

          I have still not heard anything about the complaint that was put in on the 16/10/2015 or the below email asking it
          to be taken to a stage 2 complaint due to not hearing about thing back from my 1st complaint.

          Please see attached an Authority Letter from my son and can this be placed on file within Enfield Council
          departments so that i will not have any problems talking or writing on my son's Mr Simon Cordell Behalf.

          I believe Louise Brown when she called on the 26/01/2016 at around 14:20 to speak to my son, said that a letter
          of Authority would be needed to also be covered with Mr Simon Cordell ID and proof of his signature, but I have
          found out this is not needed. That only the letter of Authority is needed.

          Louise Brown also said that my son had also never contacted the police about Debbie when I said he had we do
          have all the CAD's and the police have been to my son's home. We have also spoken to the Mental heath team
          and shown them all the letters Debbie puts into my son's door we also told them we have videos of what Debbie
          is doing which they told us to keep them safe, and also told them about the lack of response to emails and
          complaints, they were very shocked that Enfield Council is doing nothing, and that the 1st complaint that was
          put in was 16/10/2015 and that is now over 4 months ago and we have heard anything.


          Lorraine Cordell

          From: Lorraine Cordell []
          Sent: 15 January 2016 16:49
          To: 'Louise Brown'; 'Jackie Gubby'
          Subject: RE: Simon Cordell Complaint [SEC=PROTECT]

          Louise Brown / Jackie Gubby,

          I have still not had a reply to my complaint to ASB unit dated the 16/10/2015.

          Louise Brown your last email was dated the 03/11/2015 where you said you would send a response outlining
          action to date, this has not happened and I fill that my complaint is not being dealt with correctly.

          Therefore I would like this to go to stage 2 complaints, as nothing is being done.

          Could you please make sure this is handed to the right department that deals with stage 2 complaints?

          And email me so I know this has been done.


          Lorraine Cordell

          Simon Cordell

          From: Louise Brown []
          Sent: 03 November 2015 11:16
          To: Lorraine Cordell; Jackie Gubby
          Subject: RE: Simon Cordell Complaint [SEC=PROTECT]

          Classification: PROTECT

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