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         Sent: 31 July 2017 14:14
         Subject: Our meeting today.
         Good Afternoon Lorraine,

         I hope this email finds you well.

         Further to our meeting last month I have written to PC G to give him the opportunity to participate in the re‐
         investigation, I await his reply. When and if he replies I shall of course let you know.

         Regarding a CPS referral, having reviewed the evidence I am currently of the view that such a referral should
         be left to the determination of our Appropriate Authority ( A.A. ‐ senior officer who reviews my report) upon
         the conclusion of the investigation. As it stands, I see nothing to prohibit such a referral, should the A.A. think
         it appropriate.

         As you know, should the A.A. elect not to refer the matter to the CPS, you would of course have a right of
         appeal to the IPCC along those lines.

         If you have any questions for me please do let me know.

         Kind regards

         Jamie Newman | Serious Misconduct Investigation Unit (SMIU) | Directorate of Professional Standards |
         MetPhone 786675 | Telephone 0207 161 6675  | Email
         Address Empress State Building, 22nd Floor, Lillie Road, London, SW6 1TR
         'Setting the bar and upholding standards without fear or favour’

         From: Newman Jamie M ‐ HQ Directorate of Professional Standards
         Sent: 30 June 2017 17:23
         To: 'Lorraine Cordell' <>
         Subject: Our meeting today.

         Good Afternoon Lorraine,

         Thank you for taking the team to meet with this afternoon, I found our meeting very useful in enabling me to
         better understand your complaint.

         To confirm, the first thing I shall consider is a referral to the CPS. I shall begin by examining what
         consideration was given to such a referral by the previous investigator, Jeannette Riley.

         Under the legislation that governs police complaints it is possible to seek guidance from the CPS where there
         is an indication that a criminal offence may have been committed, it is this test that I shall apply.

         Leaving the CPS issue aside for a moment  and the possibility of criminal charges, I acknowledge your request
         to have sight of the PC Geoghegan’s MG11 and notebook. Such a disclosure can be made under Schedule 3 of
         the Police Reform Act 2002. I shall revisit this request once the possibility of a CPS referral has been
         addressed. However, I fully intend to comply with such a request, subject to necessary redactions.

         Going forward, In addition the your original points of complaint I shall also attempt to provide a clear
         explanation for the issues surrounding the misconduct meeting occurring before you had the opportunity to
         appeal to the IPCC. As I stated to you earlier today, the MPS can only apologise for this oversight.
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