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8/1/2017 Print
From: Lorraine Cordell []
Sent: 28 April 2015 10:41
To: Reilly Jeanette - HQ Directorate of Professional Standards
Subject: RE: PC/6804/13
Dear Jeanette
I am sorry I have not been in contact with Simon Statement but as said in an earlier email we heard from the
coroner office and they are doing a inquest review on the 30/04/2015 which was very short notice to get everything
ready for this hearing, as said I been dealing with getting all my late mothers files in order to be able to deal with
this which has taken me some time, I am still chancing her bloods and other things and as this means a lot to the
whole family due to the way my late mother passed away my time has been spent dealing with this.
We have had to wait since 2013 for this complaint to even be looked at and my son has had to suffer the wait until
he proved what the police had done.
There is a number of issues with this complaint we want addressed which you know, I do not feel it was correct of
you to pre write Simon statement and think he would just sign it when he had not even talked to you about the
complaint. If you had wished you could have taken a statement from him in the meeting which would have taken
some hours but you choose not to do this, I am sure a person is meant to be there when a statement is taken by the
police as it has to be what they have said.
I am also still waiting for an email from the crown court with the transcript which you said the crown court would
send to my email, can you tell me if you have been sent this yet also. If you have not got this is there any update to
The statement is ready I spent the last few days writing it up when I should have been dealing with issues related to
my late mother, I should have that over to you today or tomorrow in the morning. I am just waiting for Simon to say
everything is correct in it and then he will sign it.
Could you please let me know you have this email and that you will in fact wait till you get the statement before
handing this over? I am very busy as i still have not got everything done for the inquest review and only have a few
days in order to get anything done for this also.
From: []
Sent: 22 April 2015 14:47
Subject: PC/6804/13
about:blank 2/4